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So i put a deposit down on my suit today!! After all, I am going to do bikini. I really will just not do well in figure (in my opinion and in others) so I would rather do somethign that I have a shot at doing well in! The suit is a teal-ish color, I reallyyyyy like it. She still has to make it, so I will post pics when it is finished!!

Other than that, I have been practising my posing, eating right, and working out. I have cut down on the cardio a little bit and I must say, although it has been hard, it is very nice to not have to pump out an hour after every hard ass weight training session. I need to build up my back and shoulders as much as possible in the next 6 weeks. July 18th will come soon!

I have been doing extremely well on the diet front. Cutting out the fruits has made me add in more fats. FINALLY. I have been eating avocados and more almond butter. Will be adding in flax seeds and coconut oil next week as well.

I am feeling great as far as the competition prep is going. The rest of my life…well F*&* IT! ๐Ÿ™‚ I am just going to live my life and do what makes ME happy and let the rest of the garbage throw itself out. I tend to try and fix everything, but for now, I am stepping back and letting it happen.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Hump Day

Put your clothes back on and get your mind out of the gutter. Maybe it’s just me, but I seem to always have my mind in the gutter. I turn anything into something dirty. I’m kind of a weirdo, but oh well ๐Ÿ™‚

My shoulder has been bugging me this week, so shoulder workout this morning was done with bands only and it was still very light. I just don’t want to hurt it any more. I also did abs with one of the trainers at my gym. He lit those babies on FIRE. I was doing sit ups with him pushing against me and all kinds of grueling things. I dig it though. I warmed up doing something random. I ran for 5 minutes, walked for 5 minutes and repeated until 35 minutes had gone by. Mostly because my legs are DEAD. The past two days I have been non-stop. Funny how I tell myself to relax a little on the working out and I end up AMPING it up. Monday i worked out for about 3 hours in the morning and then went back to the gym for some boxing that night. Yesterday I had myself a leg and chest workout with cardio, and then went to the lake and wakeboarded, only to finish off with 2 hours at the rock climbing gym last night. I ended today with 30 minutes on the elliptical. I would like to say I am DONE exercising for today, but I have a softball game tonight. Oh boy.

I have also not been eating enough the past few days. Without all the fruit, it is hard for me to get my calories up. Monday it was 1700ish, and yesterday was in the 1600’s. My carbs have been in the 150ish range and protein has been close to 200(aka TOO MUCH.) Trying to eat more fats to balance it out, but I have been hovering around 40g per day. I figure I will just have to cycle. I am going to do 3 days of low carb/cal and then a higher carb/cal day(2400 cals approx.) I am really fine without all the fruit. I love fruit, don’t get me wrong, but this is giving me a chance to try out so many new vegetables and I am loving me some red peppers :):):) I am going to boil up an artichoke later today I think, as well.

The rest of today for me is a meet with my posing group, and then off to work for a few hours. I am driving my brother to his IOP meeting tonight at 6 and then I have a softball game at 8. Boxing at 630am tomorrow. Ay carumba this girl needs some sleep!!

Have a great Wednesday:)


Sorry for the absence. I feel like I say that a lot lately ๐Ÿ™ I was at the lake today, so that is my excuse ๐Ÿ™‚

I am feeling much much better about things. Staying positive and feeling back to my normal self. I want to thank EVERYONE for the helpful comments. Seriously I think that is a huge part that helped me to see the “light” if you will.

Today has been great. I got up extra early to do my workout, so I could have time for more important things, like going to the lake ๐Ÿ™‚ I pumped out my leg workout in 45 minutes. Squats, Leg extensions, split squats on the smith machine, glute kicks, hip abductors/adductors. Then i hit up the treadmill for intervals again. I did a 5 minute warm up at 6.5mph, 20 minutes of intervals at 6.5-8.5 mph (1 minute/1minute) and then cooled down at 6.5mph. Then i walked on the treadmill for another 15 minutes while I figured out what to do with the extra time I had made for myself. I decided I had time to pump out a chest workout! flat bench press, cable flys, and DB incline press with a set of pushups in between every set—106 pushups total.

Good stuff. Then i spent the rest of today wakeboarding and laying out on the boat. Love love.

Food has been awesome. I am doing okay with the 1 fruit in the morning. Egg whites, oats, sweet potatoes, almonds and vegetables have been my best friends!! ๐Ÿ™‚


Today has been really good so far. I realized that I am slipping back into my unhappiness that I got into last summer.(Maybe it’s just not my season or something!!) But I am determined to NOT get that way again. Although there are shitty things in my life, there are also GREAT things in my life and I am learning more and more to appreciate and focus on those. I am going to do everything in my power to keep myself happy and not sulk in my sorrows like I did last year. That was just pathetic. SO, here is my plan.

-Going to start seeing my counselor again. It is helpful to talk to her because she is very down to earth and not your typical “How does that make you feel?” counselor. She gives it to you straight and she is not shy to voice her true opinion on things.

-Going out with friends at least once on the weekends. I got to a point last year where I was so unhappy that all I ever wanted to do was stay home. If I feel like that, I am going to force myself out, because that is what got me out of my “slump” if you will. It was realizing how much fun I have when im out with friends.

-Realizing that time is precious. Only focus on one day at a time. Even one moment at a time. If I start to think too far ahead, I get discouraged, and that is somethign I have learned about myself. I know this now and am able to strategize around it.

-Keep eating right. Eating healthy, and being fit make part of me very happy. Sometimes it can get frustrating, but I know that if I sit back and relax and think about it for a moment, I can get back to my motivated place. There will always be ups and downs, but I can make more ups than downs if I focus and keep my head in the game. At the end of the day, all of this is a mental game. Weight loss, muscle building, competing, it is ALL MENTAL. If you can figure out the mental side of it, it’s a piece of cake to do the physical aspect of it.

-Most of all, I need to not be so critical of myself. I worry so much about gaining weight. I know it sounds silly, but it is honestly my biggest fear. I tend to push myself very hard, and if I ever don’t push myself hard, I feel lazy. I need to realize that it is okay to not go 150% ALL the time. Sometimes I can even go 0%. I just need to keep my goals in sight.

Anyways this has been a long post, but I just needed to get my goals out in the open. Back to food and fitness!!

I warmed up on the treadmill for 20 minutes at 6.0 mph. Then I did bi’s and tri’s. Shoulders was the original plan, but they have been feeling a little weird lately and I know that if I push them too hard, injuries could occur, so I am being careful of that. I then hopped back on the treadmill, warmed up for 5 minutes at 6.5mph and then did intervals for 20 minutes, followed by a 5 min. cool down at 6.5mph. I was going to be done, but realized that my favorite exercise class was going on right then. I decided to go and that was a great workout as well. We did some cardio kickboxing and then used the bosu’s.

Food has been great. I am trying to not go crazy without all the massive amounts of fruit I usually eat. I think with time it will get easier. Breakfast was 1/4 cup of oats with 1/2 banana and 1/2 TBSP almond butter mixed in. Plus 1 real egg and 1/2 cup of egg whites on the side. I had the other 1/2 of the banana as i left my house.

Post-workout I had 4 oz. cooked turkey breast, 1 cup egg whites, 240g sweet potato and a bag of asparagus. Very big meal, but delicious and filling. I didn’t even miss the fruit ๐Ÿ™‚

I have my counseling appointment at 1pm and then it is off to work, so I am going to go prepare my meals for the afternoon! Sorry for the novel but have a great day!


I decided I am going to do the July 18th NPC show as well as the Aug. 22nd Fitness America show!! That means I am 49 days out!!(see the counter i added?!)

7 weeeks out is what my coach and I agreed on for my lean-out, so technically that would mean today. However, i am having my last hoorah today, so it will start tomorrow. I am sad because it means less fruit for me ๐Ÿ™ but I am really excited!!! I am doing figure, even though the posing coach thought maybe I should do bikini. i looked at the photos, and i am much more muscular than those girls. The rules say “no muscle definition, little muscle mass” I just feel like i won’t like bikini division. I am not trying to win a beauty pageant. SO, i will do figure. I will post pictures on Monday, and weekly from here on out. you guys can give me your opinion. I may not be quite as big as some of the figure girls, but at the same time, i know i am bigger than most of the bikini girls, so I would rather compete in something I WANT to compete in. As for the August show, we will see.

Ahh i am excited!!!

Trying something out

Hola!! Sorry for being a lame blogger, but I have been running around like crazy. Yesterday I worked after my workout and then hit up the rock climbing gym for an hour. Good stuff!! There was one route that I really seriously pushed myself SO hard. I was almost at the top and literally had to grunt my way to the top. If you have ever rock climbed before, then you know the feeling of literally not being able to move or grab anything because your arms become so dead lol. Good times!!

Afterwards, I napped on the couch and then had to pick up my brother from his N/A meeting. I have good instincts and decided to go a little early to make sure that he was actually there and not getting dropped off(pretending to go in, leaving and coming back in time for us to pick him up) Sure enough I see him walking from a different direction. I yelled at him and told him to find his own ride home. Then I felt bad and went back and picked him up. I told him how much it hurts me when hes lying to me and that I will literally do ANYTHING for him as long as he is honest with me. He got kind of teary eyed and you could tell he was struggling. We decided to go hang out at my sister’s place for the night. We had fun and it ended up being an okay night.

So your probably wondering what I am trying out?! Well a woman that leads our posing group, who I might add has an UNBELIEVABLE body, was telling us that she cuts every one of her meals in half. This means she eats 10 times a day, every hour and a half. So i decided I am going to try that today and see what it is like. Seems very time consuming, but i like the idea of eating all day haha. Glutton?!?! Speaking of glutton, has anyone ever watched the Glutton Bowl. It is an event that people from all over the world go to and there are different food categories and its basically a bunch of massive eating contests. It was on the Reality TV channel yesterday. I watched last year’s too. Don’t judge!! Hahaha.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday, not sure what my plans are yet!
Food today so far was 1 cup of egg whites and 195g of watermelon. Waiting another hour and then going to eat my oats with almond butter and banannerrrr.

Great success

I don’t have time for a real post right now, but just wanted to let you all know i am feeling MUCH better. Not sure what was up for those few days but i am glad that it is gone!!!

Yesterday i had boxing and then did biceps and triceps. NO CARDIO. ๐Ÿ™‚ I went to the lake yesterday afternoon and had an awesome time. The great success is that I was able to wakeboard without halfway paralyzing myself!! Haha. I also tried surfing behind the boat…kinda got it but its hard. You basically get in really close to the boat and let the wake push you and eventually you throw the rope in the boat and don’t even need it. I lasted about 5 seconds without the rope. Guess i will have to go back to the lake and try again :):):)

Glad its friday. I woke up really early this morning so I went to the gym and did abs and an hour on the treadmill before my training session with Dae. He said from now on I HAVE to wear a sports bra to work out in. This way I can keep an eye on my muscles as I work them. (No he was not just saying that to get me in a sports bra, he’s gay.) It helps me keep my abs in too because i know that everyone can see them haha. He said my back is looking good, so that was some good positive reinforcement!! Back workout with him today was TOUGH but felt great. Eats have been good today as well. Will recap those later on.

Wednesday Overview

i didn’t go get a grapefruit. I decided i don’t need it lol. I am going to make myself be positive. Positivity attracts more positivity; Negativity attracts more negativity. Today really wasn’t a bad day at all. I did 20 minutes of elliptical when I got to the gym and then boot camp with my trainer today because he needed to lifeguard since the lifeguards didn’t show up and he is the aquatics director. This meant a lot of: pushups, running around the pool, squats, curls, lat raises, upright rows, scissor kicks, etc. It was hot outside(even at 8am) and I worked up a terrific sweat. After a much needed half hour break, I finished up with 30 min. on the elliptical. I wanted to run or incline walk, but did I mention, my ASS IS SO SORE. Yesterday’s leg workout was brutal. My friend Rick joined me in the second half of the workout and his ass was toast today too. I then went to the lake and again didn’t get to wakeboard because after we decided to hang out for a few hours in the sun, as soon as we decided it was wakeboarding time, a STORM rolled in. Good thing I am going to the lake again tomorrow or I would have been pissed haha. But I like storms at the lake they are fun!! It was like a damn ocean out there on the water, but we got off the water before it got bad. I rode home with the boys and was kind of stranded at my friend Joe’s house since I got picked up earlier, so my friend Taylor came and picked me up. She has been my best friend since 3rd grade and lately we don’t see each other that much, but when we do hang out, all my troubles go away. Love that girl!


The plan for the rest of the night is to sit on the couch, relax, sip my water like it’s a martini(shitttt maybe I’ll even put it in a wine glass!), watch tv, do some crossword puzzles(I am honestly surprised this is the first time I have mentioned crossword puzzles on hereโ€ฆummm I am addicted to them. Seriously thoughโ€ฆ.it is my 2nd biggest habit to working out. Wow I am one pathetic loser!(what movie people?!?!?!))


Anyways..enough rambling..this girl needs a SHOWA. Lake water does not smell as good as it tastes. Hahahaha.


Here is today’s overview:


ย ย ย 




  • 1 TB AB
  • 89G BANANA
  • 1 apple



  • 2 grapefruit
  • 2 apple
  • 1 banana
  • 1 TB AB
  • 1c spinach
  • 1c egg whites
  • 205g sweet potato


  • 1 grapefruit
  • zucchini


  • 6 oz. turkey


  • 1c spinach
  • 1c egg whites
  • 1 peach
  • 1 banana
  • 1TB AB


  • 110g Sweet potato
  • 1/2 c egg whites


  • 1 banana




  • Bootcamp with my trainer
  • 50 min. elliptical



TOTAL CALORIES OUT(through exercise)




So I am not sure if i am overtraining or not. But the thought crossed my mind like an epiphony this morning. Maybe THAT is why im in such a bad mood the past few days. So i looked up the symptoms:

Washed-out feeling, tired, drained, lack of energy –CHECK
Mild leg soreness, general aches and pains –CHECK
Pain in muscles and joints
Sudden drop in performance
Insomnia –It comes and goes but not really i guess….
Decreased immunity (increased number of colds, and sore throats)
Decrease in training capacity / intensity
Moodiness and irritability check!!!!
Depression check!!!(not depressed but ive been sad/annoyed)
Loss of enthusiasm for the sport check!!!
Decreased appetite last week i had no appetitie…this week i have a HUGE appetitite….
Increased incidence of injuries. not yet…..hopefully not at alll
A compulsive need to exercise ive always had this…

So overall, i am not sure if i am overtraining…i have some of the symptoms, but who knows. I am stressed on top of it so i think it is a combination of stress, lack of TOM(where the f*&^ are you buddy?), and overtraining.

Anyone overtrained before? I have done it before but wasn’t really as aware until after i had recovered from it so i don’t really remember the symptoms exactly…..i don’t know..maybe i will try to take it easy the next few days.

All i know is that i want a grapefruit right now so i am goign to the store to buy one. Haha don’t judge…at least its not a donut!!!

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