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Ahhh rest days are nice. Every muscle in my body was aching yesterday when I went to the gym for my shoulder/ab workout. Today, a little better but still pretty sore. All that is on the agenda is a pool party and hopefully some rock climbing!! Tomorrow will be triceps and some cardiooooo.

Last night I fell asleep on the couch at 6 pm. HA! I woke up at 8:30 and decided I wasnt going to go out. I laid in bed trying to fall back asleep, but I WAS STARVING. After 3 days at about 1600 calories…with all of my workouts….i was seriously so hungry i couldnt sleep. I ate some almonds and a red bell pepper and that helped. I finally fell asleep at about 11pm. Woke up at 4am.

What to do on a Saturday that early? Well i decided that after being low carb for 3 days this chick needed some! So i had eggs and steel cut oats for breakfast. Yummy. I went to the farmers market and got a few things, then spent some time at Whole Foods.

Things are still going well and my abs have been popping and so have my legs. 3 days of low carb/cals really helped my physique pop out and i feel MUCH better about how i will look on stage. Still have a ways to go, but i believe i have 21 days to get there. Carb boost today should help. Then Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will be low-carb..wednesday will be normal carbs and so on. I can do this and am definitely feeling good and positive!

Have a great Saturday and thank you EVERYONE for the wonderful comments you leave me. It is truly a blessing to have all of you in my life even though I haven’t met you, you have made an impact!! Thank you so much!

Friday is heeeya!

Sorry for no post yesterday! The workout yesterday was UN-real.

An hour of quads/calves/plyos…TOUGH stuff..i was nauseous afterwards–aka i killed myself haha.
Followed by an hour of boxing….and he made it extra hard. Figures.
Followed by a half hour on the treadmill incline at 15% at 3.3mph.

Woo. it was tough. Eating was 100% yesterday again and I can already see myself leaning out.

Today was shoulders and abs. and a half hour of the arctrainer. I am going rock climbing tonight also before I go out.

Things are going good over here. My suit is finished and i am going to have a fitting today. Then it will be jeweled!! 22 days people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :):)

Happy girl!

I have to say. If every day could be as easy as today, I would be winning competitions left and right.

Good night of sleep–CHECK
In-MaZING workout–CHECK
Good cardio sesh–CHECK
Perfectly spaced meals–CHECK
Perfect food choices–CHECK
No cravings–CHECK
Energy all day–CHECK
Easy day at work–CHECK
Good reading(keep reading for more on this)–CHECK
Perfect Macro split–CHECK

You get the point. I will be following this menu until it doesn’t work anymore. I usually change things up here and there, but this was seriuosly the best day I have had in a LONG time. Feels AWESOME.

About my reading…i picked up a book at target yesterday. I NEVER read books other than nutrition, health, fitness, and strength training books. I dont know why either, i used to read a lot when i was younger. I guess I got lazy. I read articles daily and sometimes for hours about nutrition and fitness. I love to learn new things, so I never would buy fiction books. I got one yesterday and am already on page 126. I am addicted and about to go read some more of it. I forget the name of it but I will post a review when I’m finished with it 🙂

Hope everyone can have as fantastic a day as I had!!!!

so. much. better

I am feeling SO much better. Granted it is only 11AM and my energy seems to peak in the early hours. You know what though? I was feeling shitty walking into the gym today. I work out in a sports bra now because my trainer wants me to see my muscles work and also so that I keep my damn abs in! I just was feeling like a fatty today and just wanted to wear a big baggy t-shirt and sweat pants in there. But i sucked it up and wore the sports bra.


I trained with Dae today. He. Kicked. My. Ass. It was an hour long session today of chest and biceps. The things he was having me do, I can’t even begin to describe. First of all…he handed me the 50 pound EZ bar to curl…..but instead of just letting me curl that..he was pushing on it so that i had even more resistance. Such a nice guy right? That combined with the pushups, the bench pressing, the flys, more curls, hammer curls, cable curls, YOU NAME IT. oH did I mention the sprints i had to do in between sets?! Yeah those were FUN let me tell ya. I literally was light headed and dizzy finishing each set because i was grunting and using every bit of energy in me to get those last reps of each set out. I thought veins were going to pop out of my head. ANyways, moral of the story….it made me feel GREAT. I am sick and twisted and I LOVE to be tortured like that. (Good thing i train with Dae too because he told me that he likes to watch me be tortured…ok this is starting to sound like the beginning of a porno but don’t worry he is gay and i promise i won’t take this any further!! Haha) He killed me, and it got my head back to where I need it to be.

After my killer sesh, another trainer Noel(the one who gave me the greatest compliment of life) told me he was going to put me through an ab workout. I don’t know how i am able to pull off all this free personal training but i am not complaining!! I guess just spend hours upon hours in the gym working your ass off and eventually, trainers will start offering up their services?! Ha who knows…anyways..he had me doing a lot of things i have never seen or heard of before. Involving hanging from ropes and doing swaying movements and such. It was really hard and he wants to work with me some more. My abs are by far my weakest link. Before December, I did not regularly train them. (Bad, i know) So they have a ways to come compared to the rest of my body.

Before training with Dae i ran for 20 minutes to warm up and I finished it off after the workout with 30 min. on the treadmill at 15% 3.3 mph, and then 20 minutes on the bike at level 8 all out as fast as i could go.

Food for today:

Meal 1: 1 egg, 1 cup egg whites, 2 slices tomato, 1 cup spinach, 2TBSP pico de gallo(its just onions, cilantro and tomato chopped up) and 1/2 TBSP coconut oil

Meal 2:(post workout) Green smoothie: 2 Kale leaves, 1 TBSP Flax seeds, 1/2 TBSP Almond Butter, 2TBSP 100% pure whey protein(NO additives, fillers, NOTHING…it doesnt taste good but it is completely clean..i love it), and 1 heaping TSP of glutamine

Off to shower and get ready for the day!

i need

a vacation!

That is the only thing that I can think of that will cure me of my BLAH-ness.

I am tired ALL the friggin time. As in, i have energy in the morning to work out, and then around noon. DRAINED. Getting off the couch is hard. part of that is the 110 degree weather in this lovely state of arizona and although i have lived here my whole life, it still gets to me. It makes me want to curl up in a ball and nap, eat, sleep, repeat!

So, how will I fix this? Just keep plugging away. Get my workouts in, eat my food, and try to keep some sanity. I could be over training, i could be in a funk, or maybe i just……..


Good day

Today was a great day!! Gotta love those. I am dead tired now though and it is only 7:30 🙂

This morning I headed to the gym after my 1 egg, 1/2 cup egg whites with spinach and pico de gallo omelette.

I ran for 2o minutes to warm up and then headed over to the weight room to do some gluties and hammies. I had an awesome workout!(What workout isn’t awesome when deadlifts are involved?!?) Needless to say my legs were-a-shakin by the end of that sesh.

Finished off with 30 minutes at 15% incline 3.3mph. As i may have mentioned i have slowed down the cardio in order to stay at a lower heart rate level. I will still do HIIT a few times a week as well.

Afterwards, I had a counseling appointment that was really good, and headed to work afterwards. Some unnecessary drama there with the brother, but I can’t help the decisions he makes and I have come to that realization.

I made my way home and took a nap. Then I took a walk around the lakes by my apartment(didn’t get lost today like I did yesterday!!!More on that in a moment) Now I am just vegging out until the new season of Secret Life of an American Teenager comes on! Yeah i said it! Haha the show is a very “highschool-ish” show, but i like it anyways.

So about getting lost yesterday. I set out last night to go on a short 20-30 minute walk by the lakes and golf courses surrounding my apartment. I found a golf cart path that I had never seen before so I decided to take it. I called my sister and chatted away with her for a while. I then realized…..I was lost! I was in the middle of a golf course, with people’s backyards surrounding me. No streets, no people, NOTHING haha. I was telling my sister how funny it was that I was lost. I normally have an awesome sense of direction…but without any roads around me…I had no idea where I was. So i did my best to find my way back. Eventually I caught up to a familiar path and made my way back to my apartment. Yeah…2 HOURS LATER. And I was in flip flops!! Uhhh yeah, blisters on my feet are NOT FUN despite what you might think. Luckily they aren’t holding me back, but OUCH they were hurting last night.

Anyways, thats all I’ve got for today. Diet was SPOT ON, and will continue to be….26 days baby!

27 days!!!!!

Time to kick things up!!!

Cycling the carbs….100-150g carbs each day…1500 calories total…135-150g. protein each day…the rest is good fats.

30 minutes of cardio per day…..heavy ass strength workouts.

I am excited!! Gotta stay motivated!

I had an awesome shoulder/bicep workout yesterday. Had to go light on shoulders which sucked(still hurting) but my bicep workout was KILLER.

My veins were popping out of my skin…..20 lb DBs for hammer curls….50lb ez bar curls….gotta love it!

27 days of pure greatness are ahead of me. I will shed off this last bit of fat..not “try to”…I WILL.

Wish me luck and keep me motivated. You guys are the best support system i have!!! :):) Thank you so much!

Friday workout

Workout today was great 🙂

Quads/Calves/Plyos/abs–supersets–4 sets each

Front squats/hanging leg raises
leg extensions/decline hip ups
DB Step ups(15 lb DB’s)/ knee tucks
Jumping lunges/decline sit ups
15 Tuck jumps/20 bench jumps-side to side/15 burpees (3 sets)
Seated calf raise
Calf Machine
Standing calf raises

Finished this up with 30 minutes of incline walking—15% at 3.3 mph

I have slowed the cardio down and will be doing 1 30 minute session every day for a while. I have been overdoing it (when i add in the rock climbing, wakeboarding, and extra cardio sessions) and my body is hating on me. I’m tired all the time and i just need to stick to heavy-ass-strength workouts and less cardio for now.

Dropped the cals down a little bit too, but hopefully i can burn off the rest of this fat before my comp!!!
Happy Friday!! :):)

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