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This lovely lady has given me a blogger award!!! Check her out…she’ll give you a good laugh and some great advice for contest prep!! Thanks April!!

To accept this award, I am suppose to list 7 traits about myself and then pass the award onto 7 other bloggers who deserve recognition for the personality they share through their blog.

Here goes….

1. I love heavy metal and can’t get enough double bass!

2. Prior to my life-changing personal trainer, Bret, (august 2007) I ate fast food at least once or twice a day and lived off of Dr. Pepper cans. Think 7-8 per day. Yeah. Sick.

3. I have no problem eating things that fell on the floor, past their expiration date, or the possibility of it being undercooked. I almost see it as a challenge to my immune system..yes i WEIRD and this is probably a really stupid habit of mine haha.

4. When i was younger, my parents would let me wear whatever I wanted to school. This meant in kindergarten: a shirt, tucked in and not pulled out at all just tucked in as far as it could…with a vest over it that had cartoon characters on it. And none of it matched. Hot, i know.

5. I used to be the quarterback on my flag football team….played for 4 years and loved every minute of it. I also played baseball until the age of 16 on a guy travelling team…I wasn’t amazing at offense, but there was no ball i couldn’t pick out of the dirt at first base!

6. I miss my baseball days and would give anythign to be 14 again on the same team that I was on. Best times of my life!!

7. I realize I don’t know where I am going with my life and I honestly don’t care. I want to do many things and am going to pursue one thing at a time. Hopefully it works out 🙂

Okay I tag……







***The rest of this post somehow got deleted….but training is going well and eating is too!! I have 8 more days until I hate the stage!!

Good luck this weekend Melissa!!! You are going to do amazing. If you haven’t already, check this girl out!

My feet are tired?

Hey guys!!! I want to say thank you to everyone for the input on the tanning and for the encouragement. You guys bring me up when i’m down!!!!

I decided to go with Dream Tan. I am picking up my suit on Thursday, and will post pictures. 🙂

Workout today:
Boxing(another KILLER workout). Steve(instructor) made me do extra sets of everything again. Example of 1 combo we did: 11 hard hooks, 5 pushups, 20 mountain climbers….i did 20 sets(i think i coudn’t count he was counting for me) of that back to back NO rest. That was just one of probably 8 combos we did. Seriously the best class EVER. I wish you all could try it so much fun. After I left the class and was walking upstairs to the weight room, my actual feet were tired. Taking steps was hard because my feet didn’t even want to point and flex(or whatever movement they do when we walk). I was a sweaty mess, but still had more to do. Back and biceps was my game today. Here is the workout..4 sets each:
-Chin-ups(4 sets of 2 with negatives….i’m weak i am working my way up to doing 10. That is one of my goals but stay tuned for the rest of those…..)
-Lat Pulldowns superset with Seated Rows
-T-Bar Rows superset with Dumbbell curls
(at this point i was seriously depleted of any and all energy…but alas i pushed forward to finish the workout. it was seriously rough though…)
-Straight Arm Pulldowns superset with Cable Hammer Curls

Instead of doing my cardio right after that, i knew i had to get some food in me to replenish my energy. I ate and then headed back to the gym and did 45 minutes on the arc trainer. Here is today’s food:

1: 1 egg, 1 cup egg whites, some cherries
2: 5 oz. chicken, 1/2c brown rice, red bell pepper, baby carrots
3: ezekiel bread with 1 TBSP almond butter
4: salad with : spring mix, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 roma tomato, 3 oz chicken, 4 TBSP fresh pico de gallo, red onions
5: ezekiel bread with 1 TBSP almond butter
6: 1c. spinach, 1c. egg whites, 1/2c. wheat bran with 1/2 TBSP almond butter and 1/2 banana

I ate the wheat bran like i would eat oats….after reading Pauline Nordin’s post, I just had to try it. If this is true, life just became absolutely more amazing than it already is. I looked it up and some articles came up but nothing solid. I believe Pauline though, have you SEEN that girl?! I’ll take her advice over any columnist 🙂

Stay tuned for a post about my goals after this competition is over. (i am also going to be doing FitnessAmerica on August 22nd, but will post my goals after July 18th NPC show.)

11 days!!!!

13 days left

As I sit here on my couch, watching YouTube videos of NPC Bikini competitions, I have begun to look back at this journey. I began this journey in December. How I got into this, I am not really sure, except that something about the sport intrigued me. It intrigued me enough to pull me out of the rut I had been living, and change my life. The physical aspects of this journey are that I gained muscle mass, lost body fat, and took my fitness to another level that my body had not yet seen. Workouts became harder, and ironically more enjoyable. The euphoria doesn’t get old, my friends. Mentally, this journey has been incredible. I have learned more about myself than I could begin to write. I now know that when I think I have reached my maximum, I still have more in me. I learned that if I want something, I can make it happen. I learned that being happy lies within the little things in life. These little things add up to what we perceive as happiness. When the good things outweigh the bad. Notice how I said outweigh, because there will always be negative aspects of life. It is part of life and part of the journey of life. Whether I take first place in this competition, or dead last, no judge can take away the amazing experiences I have had. Waking up at the butt crack of dawn to train, staring at the burgers and pizza that my friends and family scarf down, while I eat my egg whites and asparagus, saying no to a mid-week party so that I can get my rest, it sounds awful when I write it down. But what those people don’t have is what I have. A new found strength, a new found confidence, and a road travelled that most will never embark on in their entire lives. Whether it be lack of interest or fear, this journey can’t be taken away from me. And from here on out, I can build upon these trials and tribulations. Making myself a better person, inside and out.

I trained, I starved, I conquered.

16 days!

The days are going by! I am still kind of in a funk, but at the same time I am staying positive. There are a few reasons I have been able to stay so positive. One of them is that I keep reminding myself how LUCKY i am to be able to do the things that I do. I have the privelige to eat healthy foods and exercise daily. So many people are lucky to get ANY food and there are so many people with health issues or physical issues that prevent them from working out, or merely WALKING. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to push my body hard every day. The second reason will tie in with my day….

This morning I woke up for boxing. My instructor, Steve, has decided that he is going to push me EXTRA hard these last few weeks leading up to my competition. He truly did. I did extra sets and had barely any rest at all this morning in class. If you have ever taken a good boxing class, you KNOW how hard it is not to take a breather!! He totally kicked my butt and made sure that everyone knew that was his plan. His words to me this morning were “It will look like you got caught in a down pour by the time you leave today.” Thanks Steve!! haha

Our boxing class is small. Sometimes there are only 2-3 people…and at most 9, but that is rare. There are 3-4 of us who come almost every single class. We have all been going for a while and if one of us isn’t there, we wonder why. Kris is an amazing woman with 3 children. She is in her 50’s and that girl can KICK SOME ASS. She throws a mean punch and I would NOT want to get on her bad side. Lately she hasn’t been coming as often. Her husband has been suffering from pancreatic cancer and is on his last few months. Today in class she was talking about how her and her family were going to Brazil. Her concern with this trip? That she would have to make arrangements to bring her husbands body back, should he die on the trip. This made me think, “and i think I HAVE PROBLEMS?!?!!” It made me angry at myself for getting mad about over eating, for getting down on myself about not looking the way i want to look. I felt pathetic for it. I have kept her in my thoughts all day and everytime i start to get down on myself, I reflect on that. It breaks my heart to see such a great person going through so much. (and she still manages to work out many days each week.) That is inspiration right there.

Anyways, this morning after my brutal boxing class, I decided my legs needed a beating. I’m so mean to my body 🙂 It’s for it’s own good though! I did squats, split squats, leg extensions, hack squats, and a few calf exercises, followed by plyos-high knees, butt kickers, box jumps, side to side box jumps, high skips, and a bunch of other random things that i threw in there. 3 sets of those. If that wasn’t enough, I decided I didn’t feel like the treadmill, or the elliptical, I wanted to continue in this ass-kicking, so I took a spin class. I rarely take spin classes because I don’t know how much I actually enjoy them. Most of my workouts, although they can be extremely hard, I enjoy the intensity and pushing myself to my limits and beyond. Spin, just doesn’t make me feel that way in a good way. But I felt like it today, and it actually was a great class. I was ON today, with my head. I wanted to push myself and actually caught myself smiling half way through spin. I started telling myself “The pain(good pain not like injury pain) in your legs is only physical, break free from that.” And I did, and suddenly, it wasn’t so hard and I could go faster and stronger.

Anyways this has turned into quite the novel so sorry about that, I guess I just have a lot to ramble about today. Will try to post tomorrow, but i am going to a pool party, so we shall see. Have a happy 4th of July!!!

Long day!!

Wow it has been a really long day. Did 36 minutes on the arc trainer this morning while waiting for Dae to finish with another client. Then we did back and a whole-lotta random things. Like burpees, jumping jacks, high rep squats, high rep step ups, mountain climbers. Basically a plyo-day. I will still probably do plyos on Friday of my own though. Afterwards i did 30 minutes on the TM 15% at 3.3 mph. I was sweating up a STORM. it actually looked like i was standing in the rain because the sweat was just pouring all over me lol. Felt good though!

Went home afterwards and had my post-workout shake(whey protein, kale, almond butter, coconut oil, flax seeds and glutamine), showered, ate chicken, brown rice and asparagus and headed off to posing practice. Today’s session was good and i got a lot of good feedback from my coach Ilana. She is awesome, love her! Went straight from there to work and ate my salad while driving. Good thing i am a pro at driving with my knees, so this was possible 🙂 Worked for a few hours, kinda stressful, but not terrible. Headed off to the bank for work, and ate the rest of my salad on the way there. Just got home a few minutes ago and had egg whites, spinach, and red onions and 1/2 TBSP of almond butter. Almost out so i need to hit up TJ’s tonight or tomorrow.

Things are going pretty well, i have been kinda in and out of a funk but trying to stay positive and even while feeling negative, rememebering that it is just my mind fighting itself. Kinda annoying, but 17 more days!!


This post is going to go backwards..Monday first..then yesterday…

Today I woke up and wasn’t feeling hungry, so I decided to embrace some Empty stomach cardio. 30 minutes on the treadmill at my apartment at 15%-3.3mph, while reading Maneater. Love this book! Almost finished!

Afterwards, I came back to my apartment and had 1 egg with 1/2 cup of egg whites and spinach mixed in. Then headed off to do this:

Deadlifts-4 sets
3 supersets each of:
DB Step-Ups/Seated Ham curls
Glute Machine/Smith Machine Lunges
Smith Machine Hack Squats/Hip Abduction
Cable Donkey Kicks-2 Sets

Jumped back on the treadmill for 30 more minutes of reading/incline walking. Lately reading this book has gotten me to do more cardio than ever haha.

Okay so Sunday…..

Well, i officially have 19 days left of contest prep..and IDIOT me…BINGED. It wasn’t a binge where i was “out of control i can’t help it” it was like a conscious decision and a “ill just be extra good this week.” Looking back, that was probably a really dumb thought, but i kept watching shows that were all about “you only live once” haha so i decided that eating 1.7 trillion TJ’s Vanilla SANDWICH COOKIES, and some pop chips with laughing cow cheese would be a great idea?! really lizzy?! REALLY!! Oh, to top it off i had half a bagel with CREAM CHEESE and SALTY LOX!!!!!! and oh a bowl of icecream afterwards because i totally needed it right?!

I have gotta be kidding myself. And apparently i was, because my body was NOT happy and i spent 2 hours last night throwing it up. NOT ON PURPOSE…don’t worry. My body just REALLY didn’t like what i did to it, or maybe i ate something bad.(or maybe i ate a LOT of bad things!!)

If you get grossed out easily then cover your eyes, but….

It is amazing how long it takes for our bodies to digest some foods! That is all i will say because i know that is gross haha.

Anyways, moral of the story…don’t do what i did. Because i am a puffy mess today and although i got right back on track and feel that i can recover and still bring my A game….it was NOT a good idea. It will NOT help me and it was downright DUMB. But low carbs this week should bring me back to where I was. No more funny business!!! GRRRR!!! Oh well…it’s over and i’m not beating myself up about it. Anywayssss have a good night1

Finished today with :

1579 calories P: 160, C:140, F:45

Still Here

Just letting everyone know I didn’t fall off the earth lol. I will try to post later today/tonight.

“The advice we give people is the advice we need to take.Today, think of that one person you keep saying the same things to over and over again. Do it yourself. Lead by example. They will follow. “

-Yehuda Berg

haha rest HAHAHA

I am incapable of resting sometimes. I was unable to go rock climbing because my friends are lazy asses!!! So i had a few hours to kill before heading out to the pool party and decided the gym was in order.

I DID take the day off from weight training because i plan on getting some triceps/abs in tomorrow, but I hopped on the treadmill and put the incline up to 15% and 3.3 mph like usual. Pulled out another book i started reading called Maneater…..anybody read it?! loving it so far…so much in fact that i couldn’t stop. I walked for an hour and 10 minutes and then hopped on the bike for another 20 minutes. It’s a funny book and they made it into a TV show i’m pretty sure.

The first book that I just finished reading the other day(2 days after i bought it lol) was Jennifer Johnson is sick of being single by heather mcelhatton. It’s a cute book also! Not sure if i liked the ending or not, but it kept me entertained throughout!

Anyways, hope everyone had a great Saturday. I am tired and a little burnt from the pool so I’m not sure if i am gonna make it out tonight. I can be so lame sometimes!! Oh well 🙂

Daily Thought

“If you’re “changing” and yet things are still the same, there’s something you’re not doing that you know you need to be doing.You can’t change without paying the price. What are you avoiding?”

-Yehuda Berg

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