Archive for motivation

The 6-Week Challenge: WBBC

Wowza! It’s been a while. I’ve been a busy little bee, working my tail off. But hopefully I’ll be posting a bit more as of now. Hope you’re having a great week! November is truckin’ along….


This past Saturday (November 2nd) marked the 1st day of the WBBC 6 Week Challenge. What is the WBBC you ask?


The World’s Best Boot Camp is just as it implies. It was started by a former Desert Storm Vet, John Burch. I met John at my gym in Santa Monica and when he told me about the seroquelinfo challenge, I was all about it.

WBBC Day 1 StretchHere’s a photo of me doing a dynamic stretch on Day 1

So what does the 6 week challenge entail? Well, as you can imagine, I will be attending a boot camp 2-3 times per week that focuses on a lot of the basic movements mixed with CrossFit movements: squats, push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, kettlebells, and more! The other part of the challenge includes cleaning up my diet (which is pretty clean already, but tightening up a bit), and doing my personal best to accomplish my goals.

To give a little insight, on Day 1, we did a baseline workout and took measurements. I will be doing some video diaries each week to update my progress (I’ll post the links as soon as they’re posted each week) and I’m hoping to come out with successfuly results at the end! By December 14th, I will be re-testing my baseline workout from Day 1 and taking measurements again. I’m IN IT TO WIN IT and hoping that I will have some GREAT results to share!

There is no better time than now as the holidays approach, so I’m pretty excited. While I’m pretty comfortable in my body and like the way I look now, I am excited to lean out a bit more and as the slogan says, “have the most fun proving myself!” Love that.


I want to be 100% compliant. What does this mean for me?

-I will attend bootcamp 2-3 times per week

-I will stick to my diet 6 days per week with one day to splurge (within reason of course)

-I will get enough rest and WATER

-I will continue running, rock climbing, weight lifting, and all of the other activities that I do in between boot camp days.

For the first time since I competed in 2009, I feel ready for this. I’ve actually felt ready for a while, but I needed something like this to come along to spark my fire and get me going again. In good fashion, I dragged my boyfriend into the competition as well. On a weekly basis, he tells me he needs to lose 10 lbs, so I’ve enlisted him in the challenge with me! While he won’t do all of the workouts that I do, he will be following the diet with me.

I would love for you all to follow me along on this journey! I will be posting pictures, videos, thoughts, challenges, and more!

Have you ever done a challenge?

What motivates you the most?

Race Recap: Malibu Canyon Dirt Dash 2013

Hey all!


Wow, what a week/weekend/month this has been. Can you believe we’re in the final week of September? I can’t. I’m definitely ready for the holidays and fall weather!

Race Recap

This past Saturday, I participated in the Malibu Canyon Dirt Dash. As I was looking for races online a few months ago, this one caught my eye. The price was right, and the challenge seemed like a fun one. You had the option to run a 5k Trail Run, 10k Trail Run, or 5k Obstacle Course/Mud Run. You could also choose to run the trail run AND the mud run. I decided I was up for the challenge and signed up for the 5k Trail Run followed by the 5k Mud Run. A decision that made me question my insanity multiple times on Saturday…


5am: The alarm clock went off and it was time to get ready and head out. We hopped in the car, made a few stops for staples like gum and egg/cheese bagels (this was a gamble as to whether it would sit well in my stomach; it worked fine), and made the 30 minute drive to Malibu.

6:45am: We arrive at the destination. I got my race bib and chip and we walked around for a bit to see what the competition was like. I’m not competitive at all. 🙂 There weren’t many vendors, as it was a small race. I was nervous for this race, as I’d been training a bit but mostly on flat roads, not trails. I wasn’t sure what to expect.

7:45am: They called all of the 5k Trail Run participants to the starting line. I grabbed my headphones, got my music going, and stood near the front while my heart raced. It was serious mode time and I was ready to go. I was excited and nervous all at once. I was really hoping to break a PR, but just didn’t want to finish feeling disappointed.

8am: The gun went off and out I went. The first few hundred yards of the race was through wood chips. If you’ve never done this before, it’s a cross between running through dirt and running through loose sand. It was difficult and kind of nerve-racking since my ankles didn’t feel very stable. Soon enough, we settled into dirt trails and I was feeling pretty good. I knew I was pushing myself hard, but when my 1st mile pace was around 7 minutes, I knew I had started way too fast. I am an 8-8:15 pace runner. I was surprised with how long I was able to sustain that. I came up on mile 2 and was still feeling like I could keep it up for a bit longer (although I was definitely feeling it). I think at this point I was running at about a 7:15 pace.

At mile 3, I realized we were about to run UP THE MOUNTAIN. I didn’t look at the course map too well beforehand and failed to realize that the final part of the race was almost completely uphill. My pace slowed a ton and I even had to walk for a few seconds at the top of one of the hills. I tried not to, but I couldn’t breathe at one point. I think I was at around a 9-9:15 pace through this.

After my short walk break, I started running again and decided that even if I felt like I was going to puke, I was going to run my heart out. The course actually ended up being longer than 3.1 miles (3.31) so I knew my time wouldn’t be the 25:30ish I’d hoped for.

I crossed the finish line feeling like I was going to die, but feeling that I had given it everything I had. I knew that I couldn’t have given it any more. That’s a good feeling. My final time was around 27:22. I was good with that considering the uphill and the extra .2 miles.

Since my genius brain had signed me up for the first wave of the mud run (I picked the 9am start time, so I basically got a 30 minute break before my next 5k on the SAME TRAIL, but not with obstacles too!), I didn’t have much time to chill. At this point, I was quite sure that I was crazy for signing up for both races. I didn’t have a ton left in me and made the executive decision that I didn’t have any time goals for this and it was going to purely be fun. If I needed to walk, I would walk (although I didn’t end up having to). I ate a few Sharkies and headed to the start once again.

9am: Once again, the gun went off and I set out on the same trail. My legs literally felt like led stumps. They were HEAVY. The first 1.5 miles was just running. I fell into a comfortable pace and just waited until I came up to some obstacles. I was probably running around 8:45-9 min. miles. At around 1.75 miles, the obstacles started. This was all new to me, but I knew I’d love it. There were piles of tires to climb over, walls to climb over, slippery hills, mud crawls, tunnels, rope climbs etc. I was tired and pushing everything I had, but it was SO much fun.

I crossed the finish line in about 38 minutes. I was done and felt completely exhausted. In an amazing way.

As I was showering off and trying to decide if I should just throw away all of my clothes and shoes (and maybe myself?), I heard my name over the loud speaker. It took me a second to realize what was going on, but my boyfriend and I looked at each other and realized what the announcer had said. “1st Place, Lizzy Ostro!!!!” My eyes got wide and I ran to the stage to collect my medal. It was SO unexpected and it solidified all the hard training I had put in and the hard work that I had mustered out throughout the race.


This race was SMALL, so it wasn’t like winning the Rock n’ Roll Marathon, but I was still happy with how I did. I got 1st place out of 10 in my age group, 4th female overall, and 10th runner overall out of 66 participants.

I would highly recommend running this race if you are local in LA. It was a small but well put together race. Everyone was extremely nice, the course was mapped out pretty well, and the price of the entry for both races was very reasonable. I think I paid around $65 total for both races.

What is the best race you’ve ever run?

Any fun races in LA I should know about?

Vegas, Calico, Running, and a Purple Bell Pepper

Okay, first thing is first.

There are PURPLE BELL PEPPERS?!?!?! I had no idea. I stopped by the local Co-Op after my run today and happened to see this little guy. There was no way I could walk out of the store without it, even though they were $4.99/lb. When in Rome. Or Santa Monica. Is this something the rest of the world knew about?!

purple bell pepper

Speaking of my run……today I hit a BIG P.R. for myself. Ever since I started working out/running back in 2006, (I’ve never been just a runner and it comes in waves) I’ve always wanted to hit a sub 24 minute 5k. The goal is finally in sight and I’ve been training hard for it. (Oddly enough, most of my training comes in the form of plyometrics and weight training, but another topic for another day. I still run once or twice a week.)

I have a 5k trail run/5k mud run (they’re back to back and I’m completely stoked about it) coming up next month, so I’ve been really pushing myself.

Since I was out of town the last few days (I’ll get to that in a minute), I’m trying to play catch up on my training. I was planning on doing a long-ish run today, but once I started going, I realized how good/fast I felt. I changed my training plan on the spot.

My first mile was 7:48. I’m an 8:15-8:30 runner normally, so this was my first sign that good things were coming. Keeping this up for two miles isn’t too hard for me, but I typically hit a wall at around mile 2 when I’m running this pace. As I hit my 2nd mile and realized I still felt decent and was coming in under 16 minutes, my competitive face went on and I decided I was going to hit 3 miles in under 24 minutes no matter what.

That 3rd mile was tough. The first half of it was hard, but manageable. The second half is where it got rough for me. I started getting feelings of “oh shit I’m gonna puke” mixed with “holy shit i can’t breathe” mixed with “ouch, my lower back hurts”. But I honestly didn’t care. If my hip went out and I puked all over the place while losing all oxygen to my brain, I was just not going to stop. I can be dangerously competitive at times and this was one of them. Had someone walked into my path, I would have absolutely shoved them down and felt no remorse. I promise i’m not normally that evil. 🙂

As I hit mile 3, I heard the little lady on my Map My Run app tell me that I had run 3 miles in 23:47. I immediately went into party dance mode in my brain (still trying not to puke at this point) as I pushed for the last tenth of a mile. I hit 3.15 miles in 24:10. Ma-jor-vic-tor-y!!!!!!

While I didn’t hit the PR I’m hoping I get on race day, this was the first time I’d ever run 3 miles in under 24 minutes. And for that ladies and gentlement, I’M STOKED!!!  The second accomplishment in this run was that I didn’t actually puke.  High fives are welcome.

As I posted on Facebook, if I accomplish nothing else this week, I’m totally fine with that. But as we all know, this confidence boost is going to push me to conquer the world this week. Majorly awesome day. 🙂

3 mile pr

So back to that vacation. A few months back, I purchased a smokin’ deal for a hotel in Vegas. I love little getaways, and when I can do them cheap, it’s even sweeter!! My man and I hit the road Wednesday and spent a few days laying by the pool, playing Blackjack, eating ice cream, and walking the strip in search of….nothing. All in all, Vegas is pretty boring when you’re not a partier and don’t want to spend a gazillion dollars on shows. I do like playing Blackjack, but I tend to lose money, which I don’t like. Either way, a few days off with my man is always a good time!

aliante hotel room

Our room at the Aliante Casino & Resort (not bad for $40/night)

On our way back to LA, we stopped in Calico. I have a weird obsession with ghost towns (and really anything abandoned or ghostly. actually anything weird for that matter), so we made a last minute decision to check out the town. If you’re ever in that area, it’s a fun little stop. It’s a bit commercialized for my taste (lots of gift shops/food stores), but the history there is pretty cool and you can pay $2 to walk through an actual mine. Freaking awesome. The views aren’t too bad either!




And just for some cuteness overload….my awesome nephew. He can already tell at almost 9 months old…his aunt Lizzy is crazy. 🙂

matty face time

1. What’s a fitness accomplishment you’ve had lately?

2. What are some of your favorite weekend getaways?

3. Any ghost town recommendations?!?!?! 

Spartan Race

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been seeing these obstacle races around and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t minorly majorly intrigued!!! I love challenges!!

My gripe? They’re expensive. I am first in line for running, jumping, crawling through mud, jumping through flames (okay, maybe not that…but maybe…)and competing against other competitive people, but I also try to be smart with my money.

After going back and forth a bit, I finally bit the bullet and decided to just go for it! I will be running the Spartan Sprint in Malibu this December! I was able to get $10 off my race and figured, this is as good a time as any!

Why not share the good wealth?…..You can take $10 off your race entry as well!!! All you have to do is go to the Spartan Races website and enter coupon code SPEAR10 to enjoy the coupon. It won’t last forever, so sign up soon!!!




*I am not affiliated with Spartan Races, but yes, I will receive an itty bitty commission if you click this link and purchase an entry. 


One Hundred and Ten

110 Pull Ups…110 Push Ups…110 Jump Squats…110 Hanging Leg Raises…in 35 minutes…

close up

Let me explain….

Yesterday, I made a workout date with my good friend Ally. We didn’t specify the type of workout we would do, only that it happen. 

When the 7 o’clock hour rolled around (evening time), we met at the gym and discussed. There wasn’t much discussion before I decided, “Yes, I know what we should do!”

Lizzy Tip 101: The excitement in my voice as I describe a workout is completely relative to the intensity of the workout. I was excited…

I quickly grabbed the green strength band from the wall of hanging bands (because who doesn’t have one of those?) and explained what we were about to conquer…

Hellish Pyramid Workout

4 exercises, circuit style
Sets of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
NO REST (rest if you need, but no scheduled rests)

Pull Ups w/ Green Band

Jump Squats

Push Ups

Hanging Leg Raises

Alternative names: “I can’t move after this” Pyramid Workout, “My body hurts” Pyramid Workout, “Pull WHAT Up” Pyramid workout

This workout was KILLER. It is definitely advanced and for someone that consistently works out. We finished in around 35 minutes and basically dropped to the floor. I dare you to try it! 

What is your favorite style of working out?

Pedal on the Pier 2013

Today I had the chance to be a part of a really great charity event! This morning I joined hundreds of people on the Santa Monica Pier for The Harold Robinson Foundation’s Pedal on the Pier.

Pedal on the Pier is an annual fundraiser for the Harold Robinson Foundation. Money raised is used to send inner city children to camp, all expenses paid. Last year, they raised $500,000. This year? $600,000!!!

So what is it? The event is put on by Kinetic Cycling and Keiser Spin Bikes. Basically, 100 spin bikes are set up on the pier. Individuals and teams “buy” a bike and then do their own fundraising up until the event. On the big day (today), riders and their teams hop in the saddle and ride 100 miles(per team). There are DJ’s, dancers, a dance floor, and plenty of vendors giving away free stuff. All in all, a really FUN event. And for a good cause too.

I headed out today with my team at Iron. We set up a booth and enjoyed the day giving away free gym passes and having impromptu dance parties. The weather was great and the company was even greater. The energy at this event was absolutely amazing!

Here are some photos from the day:



John(owner of Kinetic) and Spase (amazing spinning instructor and DJ) workin’ the crowd!

iron booth


The Iron Booth



The Iron Girls! (I’m in the middle)

It’s always fun to see so many people come together to do good. It’s refreshing. 🙂

Do you/have you ever attended a big charity event?


Make a Workout Date!

fun gym 3

One of my favorite ways to stay accountable for a workout is to make a date with a friend. I try to do this a few times a week for two reasons:

1) I get to catch up with my friends while getting my fitness on! We’re all pretty busy, so this is a great excuse to catch up while we sweat.

2) Another person to push you. I don’t know about you, but nobody is ever allowed to beat me. And if they do, I’ll die trying to catch up.

Today, I made two dates with two different friends. It is also Tuesday, which means it’s hip hop cardio day. Needless to say, it was quite the active day!

Workout #1: The morning workout consisted of pushups, pull ups, snatches, burpees, box jumps, leg press, and a 15 minute elliptical session. I did this in between work (I work at the gym, which makes it easy for me).

Workout #2: today was hip hop cardio. I love this class so much because I’m NOT a dancer. Yes, you heard that right. Most people get excited because they were a dancer as a child, or they love to dance and are good at it. I’m a metal head. This is so different from what I’m used to and I have an absolute blast. I’m not the best dancer, but I have fun and sweat my booty off, so I win!

Workout #3: Finally, my friend met me at the gym this evening for Date #2. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. 😉 I found the workout below on instagram and we decided to do it. We did two full rounds of it and finished off with some freestyle dancing and shenanigans as always.

kb workout

The moral of the story? Making a date with a friend will greatly improve the chances of you showing up AND will likely push you to work harder. I don’t recommend making 3 dates in the SAME DAY, however, so learn from my mistakes. Somehow I think getting out of bed tomorrow is going to hurt….

sword fight

The next time you’re feeling less than thrilled to workout, grab a friend and enjoy some friendly competition and catch-up time!

Do you make workout dates with your friends? What is your favorite thing about them?

Winter Workout

It feels like a whirlwind, but somehow the holidays came and went and we’re all getting ready for New Years! You want to know what I’m doing for New Years? Grilling venison and plopping on the couch with a movie. Yeah, we like to party hard. At least I have a hot date.

So where the hell have I been?! I last left you with the Legend of the $5 Coffee Table. Well you will be glad to know that it’s still in my living room and is now accruing more stuff on top of it. Operation Jungle Gym is in full effect.

Anyways, I headed out to Kansas with the boyfriend to visit his family for the holidays. I’m an Arizona girl converted to a Southern California girl. Kansas=cold. As a kid, I spent many winters in Chicago with my extended family, but it’s been a good 10 years. The only snow/cold I’ve been in recently has been for snowboarding, which is an entirely different situation altogether. Needless to say, I don’t do well in cold. Hell, the Santa Monica arctic temperatures right now are killing me!

At this point, you’re probably wondering why you’re reading my complaints, but I promise I have good intentions. You see, even in the blistering cold, I managed to run outside twice and do two indoor workouts. Point being=there is no excuse for not being able to fit in a workout! I did these workouts before, between, or after family events and although it was NOT comfortable, I felt SO much better afterwards.

I do realize that I’m a little bit psychotic and not everyone is ready to venture into 16 degree cold to get a workout in, but the workouts I did inside were absolutely killer and required no equipment and minimal time. I made my manfriend join in too and even though it only further solidified his theory that I’m trying to kill him, I think he secretly enjoyed the challenge.

Try these out and let me know how it goes 😉

cold outside workout

(This workout takes about 20 minutes give or take.)

Warm Up: 25 burpees


10 Rounds for Time

10 Air Squats

10 Push Ups

10 Sit Ups (or mix it up and throw in different ab exercises)

Then finish off with one more round of 25 burpees

Feel free to modify the reps, sets, etc, but this was a butt kicker! Let me know how it went when you try it!

Stay tuned for Workout #2….

Happy New Year from Us!

merry christmas 2012

Why Writing Rocks

It’s funny how the most vulnerable moments can sometimes be your most awakening moments too. Sometimes I learn new things about myself just by trying to explain something to somebody. It’s weird, because you would think I knew what I was talking about before I started speaking, but that isn’t the case with me. I talk, then think while talking, then keep talking, and eventually drive people to complete insanity. Keeping mental institutions in business since 1988 baby!

drive crazy

All joking aside, today was definitely one of those moments where it wasn’t until the words were spoken, that I realized how right on I was. I was trying to explain myself to someone. If you know me, you can probably imagine how ridiculous this conversation was. Let’s just say, I plan on donating my brain to science so that they can try to figure it out. I’m pretty set on being the first born of a new species and going down in history.

crazy brain

I started describing my many interests. It makes my head spin sometimes, but if I could I’d probably have about 5 different careers and 4,586 hobbies. It’s unrealistic for me to do EVERYTHING that I want to do (time and money really put a damper on things sometimes) and part of my 20’s to-do list has been figuring out how to balance it all and still not feel like I’m losing out on anything. I love a lot of things and don’t want to give up any of them.There are a few that I am absolutely sure MUST be a big part of my life. These things include: Recording/Mixing and music in general, working out and living a pretty healthy lifestyle, and being able to take time off to travel and be outdoors. Of course, there are SEVERAL other things that are super important to me, but those are can’t-live-withouts that are at the top of my list.

Writing is another one that I realized today was so important to me. Oddly enough, I used to hate writing. Writing a paper was the bane of my existence and I just never thought I was good at it. It didn’t help when a professor of mine basically told me that my writing was “totally random and doesn’t make any sense.” Okay, she didn’t “basically” tell me that, she flat out said it. She also forgot to put eyeshadow on both eyes sometimes though, so I’m still not sure why I believed her for so long. Regardless, at that point I decided math was my thing and that I would avoid writing at all costs. And I did a really good job at it. I think I wrote 3 papers during my entire college career. (For consulting on what college classes require the least writing, feel free to e-mail me.)

Then I started blogging back in 2008. I originally did it to journal my fitness endeavors, but ended up really loving it and finding it to be a huge outlet for me. It led me to writing health articles for various websites (Xyience, All Pro Supplements) and helped me find my own voice in writing. I was finally able to write the way I wanted to write and not confined to the box of essay writing.

Today, I’ve realized how much more writing can do for me. Now prepare yourself for what I’m about to tell you, because it’s absolutely earth shattering:

I can write about ANYTHING I want to write about!


Are you okay? Did you get hurt? If so, don’t sue me. I don’t have any assets so you will just be wasting your time. Trust me.

But really, I never made the connection that I could keep several of my interests “active” in my life simply by writing about them. It still keeps them close to me even when I may not be able to physically be doing them at that point in my life. As silly as it may sound, it was a revelation for me. It reminded me once again why writing is such an amazing tool to have and use.

I encourage you all to find your voice in writing as well. Many people tell me that they wish they could write or that they aren’t very good, but when you write from the heart, you may surprise yourself. I have no formal training and if you read through my high school and (very few) college papers, you’d probably wonder how I even passed 2nd grade. Once I was given my own platform, I was able to practice and hone in on my own personal writing style. I am still working on my writing and still working to test out several different styles, but each are of my own choice and for myself depending on how I’m feeling at the time. What I learned about writing is that it has to be YOU and it has to be FOR you. Even when writing for other people or for clients, my writing is ME.


Do you write? If so, how did you get into it and if not, why not?

Tyranna-SORE-ASS Lizzy

Ah, the close of the weekend. For many, this is a dreaded day, as you gear up for a 40 hour week in the office. For me, it doesn’t matter what day of the week it is. Sometimes I don’t work much during the week and a ton on the weekends, sometimes I work 7 days a week (although lately that hasn’t been the case) and sometimes it evens out through the week. It works for me, since my brain is scattered anyways, but I am quite sure it would give some people an ulcer.


Regardless, somehow I still find it tough to be motivated on the weekends. I want to workout, but I also just want to be lazy. On Friday, I did a leg workout that rocked my world. It altered my Saturday workout plans, in that, I didn’t work out. I couldn’t walk. I looked like I’d been riding a horse for a week. Not pretty. I did do 100 pushups (broken up into 10 sets of 10) but considered it mostly a rest day.

This morning, I woke up late. Last night was spent at my boyfriend’s new recording studio and it was the first time that we actually got to hook up some microphones and record! It was actually really freakin’ cool, especially considering how much work has been put into that place. That put us home at around 3am, so today started out slower than usual.

I met my friend Tedi at the gym at around 2pm after running a few errands with my manfriend. My legs were still sore and I just wasn’t sure how well this was going to work out. We started off doing about 15 minutes on the treadmill to warm up and then we hit the floor.

We did a series of exercises and then turned it into a buddy workout. It ended up being a complete BLAST and we plan on doing it every weekend. It’s extra motivation to have someone there with you when you’re feeling less than motivated. I’m not going to lie, my legs probably needed one more day, but I made sure to warm them up and stretch them out quite a bit in order to get through this without injury.  Here’s what we did:


3 sets:

-Squat to bicep curl to shoulder press with DB’s (12-15 reps)

…………..superset with mountain climbers (50 reps total)

3 sets:

-Bosu DB Deadlifts (you can do from the floor if you’re not very stable on a bosu) (15 reps)

…………..superset with Bosu pushups (also can do from the knees if needed) (8-10 reps)

Then we did 3 sets of 2 different ab exercises with a blaster in between each set. We switched off deciding what our blaster would be. No rest. It went a little like this:

-Opposite hand to opposite foot sit ups (10 reps per side)

-50 jumping jacks (my pick)

-Opposite hand to opposite foot sit ups (10 reps per side)

-20 low box jumps (her pick)

-Opposite hand to opposite foot sit ups (10 reps per side)

-In/Out squat jumps: 10 reps legs together, 10 reps legs apart, alternating (my pick)

-Medicine ball sit ups (resting partner throws the ball to working partner, then switch) (15 reps)

-Run around the gym as fast as you can (her pick)

-Medicine ball sit ups (resting partner throws the ball to working partner, then switch) (15 reps)

-10 burpees (my pick)

-Medicine ball sit ups (resting partner throws the ball to working partner, then switch) (15 reps)

-1000 meter row (her pick)


This was a great workout and was super motivating to have a partner. It’s nice when you split the decisions because you have some control but are also not sure what to expect. Find a friend and try this workout! Let me know what you think. (Feel free to switch up any of the exercises, but you get the idea.)

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