This is how I drive. I always have that expression on my face.
What?! Ha just kidding, I’m not that consistent.
Sorry friends, totally forgot to post yesterday!!
Let me back it up for ya…….
Tuesday Workout:
Shoulders and Chest. I don’t remember the workout now, but it was a good one. My shoulders were screaming by the end. Chest was just okay.
I also ran 4 miles, did an hour of boxing conditioning and 30 minutes on the elliptical. Some days the cardio queen inside me surfaces. Tuesday was one of those days.
Everything was good, but a fun size pack or two of m&m’s definitely grazed my lips. Everything else was good though.
Now for today, LEG DAY
Another grueling workout by Ernie. Let’s see if I can remember it alll….
Step ups, Smith machine squats, Leg press jump ups, scissor kicks, heavy decline leg press, heavy standing leg press, regular jump ups, sled pushes, db walking lunges(seriously down and back across the entire gym. so effing far!), bench jump overs, squat jumps, toe touches, burpees, burpees with a med ball, and frog leaps.
That entire circuit, 3 times through. I was a sweaty mess when that was over with. I swear, I think Ernie has a few screws loose when he plans our leg days 🙂 I can’t argue with the changes I’ve seen in my quads though! (Now if only I could kick as much ass on my diet and see the changes :))
I also did 20 minutes of light elliptical and played football with my friend Brian! He came to the gym so I could train him and he had a football in the car. My inner tom boy wanted to play catch so we went to a nearby park and threw the football around for a while. I’m not going to brag but, watch out Cardinals I’m trying out next year! (i kid, i kid)
A so-so day. My meals were out of whack, but so was I. It was a weird day with food, but I fully plan to turn that around tomorrow. It wasn’t a bad day, just not great. I like my scheduled meals.
Otha brotha:
The reason my meals were so out of whack was because…I WENT APARTMENT HUNTING. My friend from elementary school and I recently got in touch again. Who would have figured that she ALSO competes and is trying to get into fitness modeling. Talk about a perfect roommate. We found a great apartment and will be moving in first week of December!! That will be awesome. Massive food preps will be occurring in the near future 🙂
That’s all I’ve got time for tonight my friends. How dare me forget to post like I did yesterday!! Tomorrow I’ve got boxing in the morning, followed by I think back and biceps. Then a little more cardio, taking a test at ASU, and  not going to class. Lovely Thursday!