Archive for Author fitlizzio


So I’ll do some Q & A…….


1. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Hard to pick just one place, but I’d really love to go to Alaska for a good month or so and really see everything.

2. What is your biggest fear/phobia?

Not being happy.

3. What is your favorite album of all time?

I’m a music junkie so this is tough, but Dark Side of the Moon on a record is impossible to beat.

4. Would you recommend the last book you read to a friend and why?

I don’t remember the last book I read(it was just a few months ago, but can’t remember what it was) I mostly read exercise/health based articles cuz i’m a nerd like that. and yes i’d recommend doing that.

6. Name a celebrity that you hate for no valid reason.

Kristen Cavalleri and Megan Fox.


7. What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Hooters then a pool hall. I actually would have had fun if I wasn’t with a total doosher.

8. You’re at a multi-level shopping mall and someone is chasing you. Do you jump over the railing to the lower level to get away from them?

Yeah, and then I pull out my go-go gadget helicopter to save me from death….


1. The line from any song that always "gets you". I.e. makes you smile, tear up, feel some emotion, etc.

“Troubles will come and they will pass…” Simple Man by Lynrd Skynrd and also love the cover by Deftones

2. If you could choose any other name than your own, what would you choose?

None. i’m cool with my name.

3. Everyone has their hang-ups and being able to admit those, I think, shows a sign of strength and not weakness. What is your biggest weakness and what do you do to work on it?

My biggest weakness is being a giant flake. But i guess on the plus side at least I can admit it….

4. On the other side- what’s your most positive attribute?

I work hard for what I want.

6. If you could dedicate a song on the radio to anyone right now what would that song be and to whom?

The radio sucks ballzitos.

It’s Been a Minute….

This will make you laugh. I was bored the other night and made this…haha

HA! Anyways… Wow, that’s the longest I’ve gone without posting since I started this blog.

I needed a break, and I can’t say that I’m 100% back yet, but maybe…


Going amazingly right now. I am LOVING my workouts and seeing better results than EVER!! I’m lifting heavy and really can tell a huge difference in my physique.


I feel better than ever. I am eating a liberal contest diet. Meaning, I’m actually eating carbs every single day (in my first 2-3 meals) and I haven’t felt this good in a long time. My weight has been holding steady the past few weeks, as my body got used to having carbs again since I wasn’t really having much in preparing for the USA’s.(more on that below.) My clothes are getting looser though, and my mind is in such a great place.


If you didn’t know already, I’m NOT competing in the USA’s this weekend. I made the decision that I am going to do this the right way. The right way is different for everyone, but MY right way is slowly leaning out. None of this no-carb crapola for me. My body does better with high protein, moderate carbs and moderate fat. My activity level is high enough to support that and it is the way i started this whole thing. I got too wrapped up in “having” to do the show, that I started to do what I’ve always said not to do: eat too little. My body wasn’t responding as well and I knew I needed to get into a long-term mindset.

Future Plans

As of right now I’m not sure. I’d like to compete in a national bikini show this year, but part of me is really turned off by the sport and the judging/posing. I am really considering doing figure. At this point, I’m not finalizing anything because I really just am having a good time working out hard, leaning out and not having a timeline…….


It’s becoming a lifestyle. The workouts have always been, but the eating too. It doesn’t feel like a chore anymore these days and it’s what I want to do.

Basically, I’m loving life right now, getting back into music again, training for the fun of it, getting amazing results, and enjoying every moment. I do plan on competing before the year ends, but I’m seeing where this road takes me.


Where was i?

I was here, just doing my thanggg. My workouts have been GREAT. I have been lifting HEAVYYYY and my body is responding so well. Loveee it.

Some people have been asking about my competition plans and I’ll get into that later, but for now just know that I’m still eating and training to compete.


Lately I feel like my mind is shifting. In a really good way. That whole lifestyle click has finally started to come into play. It’s changed my thinking about my training and lifestyle a lot, but in a good way. I’ll do a post on it in the near future.


What are your hobbies?

I’ve been playing guitar on and off for years, but have been getting back into it big time lately. My recording classes are also starting up again(for those of you that don’t know, along with ASU, I am in recording school :)) and I couldn’t be happier. Music really does make up a huge portion of my life and who I am. It moves me in ways that nothing else does. Don’t mean to get all spiritual on you guys, but seriously, I need music in my life. Whether it’s listening, playing, talking about, or recording music, I appreciate so many different types and would be a lost soul without it. Working out + Music + Hanging with cool people + making fun of myself, others, etc. = happy kiddo right here.

Here’s a video of one of my favorite glute exercises 🙂 Enjoy!

Just a quick one…

I don’t have much time to post but a few things to catch you all up…..

I set up my Facebook page for Fit Lizzio Training-check it out!!

Here is the link to my newest article on GLUTES on the Xyience website!

New article coming in the next few hours on FitGems Nation

Check out AllPro Supplements…they have some really great deals if you’re in need for supplements!!!


This post looks like a freaking commercial, but I’m not being paid for any of this if you were wondering. I only promote things that I believe in and I believe in all of the above!!

Training is going great, boot camp today was like a sauna(105+ degrees PLUS humid) andddddd I have tomorrow off! Woo hoo!! Happy Saturday 🙂

The Secret

Let me just tell you, I’m a blessed person. I have a lot of ugly things in my past, but they are made up for by all the amazing things that I have. Great friends, family(most of them ;-)), drive, ambition, a support system, the list goes on and on. There are also a lot of “extras” that I have and I am asked pretty frequently “How did you get hooked up with that?!” or “Where did they find you?!” This is usually referring to different sponsorships or deals I come across. Well, I’m here to tell you that a magic fairy didn’t just show up at my door one day and bring me those things.

I did something different. Something that most people don’t do. It’s really simple, and it isn’t rocket science. I don’t have some special way of talking to people to convince them that I’m different than anyone else (although I AM known as a little bit ….non-traditional? Weird, crazy and nuts have all been used in the same sentence as my name but I’m cool with that because normal people are boring. :)) Now that you’re probably fearing for your life, I’ll tell you the big secret to my success.


Although I definitely do NOT get everything that I want and am turned down just as often as I’m given opportunities, I do apply this strange, unheard of phenomenon………..

Shocking right?! Your life just changed didn’t it? Well probably not. It seems like an extremely obvious thing to do, but let me just tell you that most people do NOT ask for what they want. They just expect that if it’s supposed to happen then it will(which I actually do believe that, but not in this case.) If you want something you usually have to work for it. It won’t come falling in your lap, and sometimes it DOES fall in your lap, but since you just stood there quietly, it gets up and moves on to someone else. Asking is not rude. The worst thing that will happen? Someone will say no! No big deal, just move on and try again.

You’ll never know unless you ask. SO ASK for what you want!

The Breakfast Club


This morning started out with a torturous boot camp. I say this because they keep getting harder and harder! To give you an idea, today’s boot camp went like this:

-10 bleachers with plyometrics in between the first 5 and jump squats down for the second 5.

We then were broken up into groups by fitness level and were thrown into a crazy course that included: parachute sprints, water pipe lunges across the football field, sled sprints, lots of different types of jumps and other plyometrics, suicides, and more bleachers.

It’s really motivating to be with a group of super competitive people. When you want to quit, you don’t.

After bootcamp, we all hit up Starbucks and then a smaller group of us headed to a local breakfast place to chat and chow. It’s really easy to order really clean when you’re with 6 other people who are doing the same thing 😀

I got the egg white and asparagus omelet and it was SO good. Good times for sure.

I’m now sitting at work. I got homework for the week done, finished up two classes yesterday, and am just finishing up writing one more workout plan and then I’m OFFFFFFFFFFFF tomorrow. No work, no appointments, no school, no workout(maybe ;-)). Absolutely NOTHING. Just me, the sun and a pool. Ahhh, I’m so excited to sleep in (oh dear God please let me sleep past 6am :)) and just laze around.

See you Monday with a lobster face 😛

Is Pressure a Good Thing?

Hola! 4 weeks out from NPC USA’s woo hooo!!! 🙂

Pressure: Good or bad?

So I’m curious to know what you guys think. Do you do better or worse under pressure? To be honest, I’m not really sure where I stand on this subject. In ways, the pressure of my sponsors and coaches to be ready for this show in 4 weeks has made me push myself harder than I ever would have on my own. But at the same time, any doubts or fears that they have about me being ready kinda bring me down. I feel like the pressure can really get to me sometimes and make me want to give up, but it is the same thing that is driving me to work so hard. Kind of interesting to think about and it’s just one more part of the learning process on what works best for me.


How does pressure affect you? Does it help you or does it make you less motivated? Even if it makes you uncomfortable, do you prove greater results with the presence of pressure??


When you enter a preparation for something, whether it be a fitness competition, athletic event, or any major event, you learn many things about the people around you.

People will support you and go out of their way for you, or people will criticize you and turn their backs on you.

First Competition

Throughout my first competition, although most of what I did was on my own and guided by my own beliefs/research, I still had a TON of help from others. I had a former body builder train me for FREE 2-3 times per week. I had experienced competitors offer their words of wisdom and ensure me that I could do it, and I made many new friends who were in the same position as me. Without the help of those people, I’m sure that I COULD have competed, but I’m not sure that I would’ve. The doubt and unsure feelings that go along with preparing for an event are present much of the time, and sometimes you just need that little encouragement from someone to keep moving forward.

My New Support Team

As I prep for my 3rd competition(2nd prep, since my second show was only 1 month after my first) I once again have had the pleasure of getting some help from those around me. Although this time, I went the route of hiring a coach, she lives in another part of town and I’m not able to see her everyday. At my gym, a friend/personal trainer/figure competitor has been there for me through it all. She has helped me with posing, we’ve done countless cardio sessions together(she is prepping for USA’s as well), we’ve talked about prep, she hooked me up with a sponsor, and most of all she’s there to listen and give me advice and encouragement. That is invaluable to me. This prep has been difficult as far as making sure I’m ready in time, but she is there to remind me that I’m doing what I need to do and that I WILL in fact be ready for the show.

Negative People

I’ve definitely dealt with my fair share of people who don’t support me, but I’m pretty quick to kick them to the curb. I have never been one to argue with people. If you are going to criticize me or what I do, then I’m not going to give you the time of day. On that note, I’m forgiving and if you decide you want to be supportive than I’ll likely befriend you once again. No need to hold grudges. Most of the time people aren’t trying to be malicious, they’re just in a disagreement with me. Not a big deal.

The Message

What I’m trying to get across is that the people that have been there for me and helped me have shown me how important it is to give back. Everyone at the gym knows that if they have any questions or need advice that I would gladly give it to them. There are some people who have the “all me” mentality and they aren’t as open to giving support to others, but I know just how much of a difference it has made in my preparations and journeys, and I love nothing more than doing the same for others.

5 Weeks Out

So I’m pretty sure that nobody reads this anymore 😀 Sorry for being such a slacker but I just haven’t had much time for blogging these days.


I’m literally in the gym all day long. As you know I work there, as well as work out there, so if I’m not working out, I’m usually working. My cardio is…well…a lot right now. I don’t want to get into too much detail because it isn’t something that I would ever have a client do. I’m borderline behind schedule and need to make sure I’m ready for the show. I am not taking on more than I can handle, workout wise, but it is definitely rigorous training. I am thankful that my body keeps up with me 🙂

My diet is very strict right now as well, but I’m feeling good. I truly like training hard and dieting hard (although I’m definitely looking forward to eating a bit more variety after the show ;-)). I feel extremely accomplished knowing that I’m putting in all the effort that I can.

Stress levels are high right now for other reasons. Lots of things going on in July, lots of things going on in my head, and lots of things that cost money and take a lot of time. I don’t have much of either to spare, so I’m trying to work it all out.

I’m hangin’ in there and only 5 weeks to go! Hoping my body does what it needs to do 🙂 I’ll post some pictures here sometime soon when I get a chance, too.

We’re jammin’!

Goooood morning!

A very early morning, obviously. It’s 3:15am and I have to leave for work in about a half hour, but I woke up extra early for some reason today. I figured I should blog now because I’ve got the time.

Life Update

I seem to love to keep myself extremely busy. Okay, I seem to love to do everything to the extreme. I don’t have a happy medium apparently! Haha. Today is going to be a nice 15.5 hour day…Work, workouts, class, meetings and a demo this evening.

I’ve found a new way to incorporate my two favorite things in the world……….


This is me at the gym jamming out while I work. Yes, I am a nerd. No, I don’t have kids.

You may or may not know that I am a music fanatic to say the least. I went to recording school and have played piano and guitar for the better part of my life. Although you would THINK this would mean I’m good at those instruments, well, I play for 6 months, then take a year off and have done this for about 8 years. I can still rock out though! Anyways, bringing my guitar to work has been the highlight of my shift! Playing music at the gym=two passions combined. Success! Another reason why I’m not a fan of the corporate gyms….couldn’t do this there!

Prep Update

This prep has been relatively easy mentally. I’m making progress, it’s just a matter of if there is enough time. I am now just under 6 weeks until my competition and although I’m leaning out, I’m just not sure I’ll be ready in time. Sure, I could be ready enough to get on stage, but for a national show, I need to be looking 110%!!! My coach and I talked and we are going to decide July 7th whether I do USA’s or wait another month and head to Texas for Jr. USA’s. Kind of frustrating as seeing that I have invested a lot into this particular show, but it’s not out of sight yet and I’m pushing it HARD!! We’ll see what happens in these next 2.5 weeks!


Okay, time for work+workouts+jammin’!

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