Still Tired + Pom Wonderful


So I took two naps yesterday and was asleep by 10pm, and still woke up tired. I am starting to think that I drank too much caffeine this past weekend and my body is just in a funk.

Let me explain: I gave up caffeine a few years ago. I used to drink soda like it was water(you think i’m kidding? Try like 6-7 cans of soda per day….plus if I was at a restaurant I would guzzle throughout dinner. I was the epitome of unhealthy in my high school days.)

You may have noticed that I’ve been travelling a lot lately, and travelling is tiring. I found this new(to me) energy drink by Xyience called Xenergy. They have a zero calorie one(that happens to have 2 grams of carbohydrates in it. explain that one FDA??) and I’m addicted. I like it in the morning to wake me up, and on vacation it is a saving grace for the long drives. My roommate also introduced me to iced coffee mixed with protein powder=holy yum. SO, caffeine has been entering my veins lately.

I was only having one caffeinated beverage a day, but this past weekend it was a LOT more than that, and yesterday it was 3-4 drinks(I was on the road yesterday driving to Tucson and back). I’m thinking that my body is just not used to all that caffeinne and rebelled and made me REALLY tired. I’m not sure. It could also be allergies, or I may be getting sick.

Anyone have any ideas to consider??

I feel much better today, but still on the tired side. I only had one caffeinated drink today, and that was it.

Nuff about that…

This morning i got a really great back/tricep workout in! I moved through it pretty quickly, but made it worth my time. Those are the best.

I finished off with 40 minutes of cardio and I started to get really tired again.Β  I finished my cardio, but if this lasts much longer, I’m going to have to resort to crack supplements. I kid, I kid.


Recently POM Wonderful e-mailed me asking me to try some of theirΒ  100% Pomegranite Juice. (To make sure I’m not breaking any laws, the juice was sent to me for $Free.99)

You can read about the benefits here.

I was only able to taste a little bit since I’m in contest prep mode, but here are my thoughts:

-It is tart, but not over powering and it tastes “healthy”

-This would be really good mixed with alcohol if you like to drink.

-It’s really good on ice and would be even better mixed with a little Stevia

-You could make a killer smoothie with this stuff.

-Overall, I’d reccomend the juice. It is 100% pomegranite juice, and with all of the health benefits, I think it’s a worthy product.

They can be kind of pricey, but what health food/supplement/drink isn’t these days?? If you like juice, or you just want an extra dose of antioxidants in your life, check them out.

I can’t believe it’s already Thursday tomorrow.

This week has FLOWN by, and I’m not complaining. I have a test tomorrow, then work. Friday I just have work and Saturday I’m going to the lake!! πŸ˜€

I have to stick it out for a few more weeks and then I’m LA bound again at the end of the month! πŸ™‚


  1. Chelle says:

    Heya girl, too much caffiene can deplete your adrenals causing fatigue. How many (mg) are in those energy drinks? Also, garuana can deplete them big time too, so the combo of both can be disasterous in the long run!….. Or maybe your body just needs a few days off training to rest and recover =)

  2. Jenny says:

    I’d die to have two naps *sigh* HAHA

    POM wonderful is REALLY good, and good for you, but man…high in SUGAR. πŸ™ So, yeah, like you said…you don’t drink it cause you’re in “competition mode”- I don’t drink it because although it’s good for me…I can’t get past the sugar. Every once in awhile though.

  3. Hey girl – I have a feeling that it’s related to the travels. I know that I always get way off schedule when I travel and it takes a bit to get back on track. Hopefully once you get back into your regular routine and workouts, you’ll be as good as new. So jealous of the lake by the way. We have so many fantastic lakes in my area, but it won’t be warm enough to get out there until the end of May or first of June.

  4. This week HAS flow by! I’m sorry to hear that caffiene may be affecting you this way – no fun! I’ve never heard of those drinks before. I want a nap now! LOL

  5. Andrea@POM says:

    Glad you tried the juice! The sugar that’s in the juice is all natural fruit sugar – the same as you would get by eating an apple, banana, or pomegranate. πŸ™‚ Rest assured it’s completely natural and 100% juice, nothing more added.