I set my alarm for 4:15 this morning. I was thinking I’m probably crazy seeing as I didn’t NEED to be up that early, but I did it anyways.
For yoga.
My boxing instructor told me I just HAD to go check this yoga class out. I have to say, I was impressed.
I’ve done yoga before, but it’s always been very slow to me and I really enjoy high impact exercise the best. That’s not to say that yoga doesn’t kick my ass, ccuz it does. Every. Time.
This morning was no different, and since I was so tired and it was so early, I think it made it even better. The class flowed really well and the instructor was awesome. During savasana(sp??is that even the right word? ha) we got mini-massages with a mint oil and it was g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s.
I think Friday yoga will be added to my workout schedule most weeks 🙂
-After yoga, I headed upstairs and did 30 minutes on the Arc trainer, followed by back and biceps: Assisted chin ups, WG Lat Pulldowns, EZ Bar Curls(i did 6 sets and did a few drop sets. my biceps were toast.), Cable rows using the rope-hi to low, T-Bar Rows, and some band work.
Food has been great as well. I’ve been making the protein shake of all protein shakes the past few days. It is like a milkshake, i’m obsessed.
In-Mazing Protein Milkshake
1 scoop protein powder(i’ve been using cake batter, chocolate would be great also)
1/2 TBSP Peanut Butter
1/4 cup egg whites(you can use pasteurized ones, or if you aren’t afraid of salmonella, use that ;-))
Add a splash of water to help with blending
Blend ‘er up. and enjoy!
It’s really good I promise! Let me know if you try it.
Tonight I plan on laying low, and then I have boot camp and work tomorrow. Sunday I am hiking with a friend and working. Hoping to fit a good night of sleep in at least Saturday night though, I’ve been sleeping like a new born.
Have a good weekend!
DANG! That sounds awesome (smoothie milkshake) and full of protein- Definitely gonna have that for breakfast tomorrow….Or after my workout. What’s better?
I was honestly surprised how HARD yoga was for me! There were some poses where my arms or legs were SHAKING. Yoga is NOT for sissies!! :>
I want a mint oil massage ASAP!!!!!!!!
adventures in tri-ing
[…] 1: Protein shake and 1/4 cup of oats(more on this […]