Leg Day

Hey guys!

Tuesday Workouts:

Boxing, Shoulders & Chest, Boxing Conditioning at night.

Then, I tuned into the Biggest Loser. Love that show, but some of those contestants really annoy me. Not going to mention names coughTRACYcough. 🙂

Moving on, Leg day today…..I’ll share 🙂

This workout is extremely hard. Go at your own risk.

3 sets total-circuit style

-Step Ups(20 per side)

-Scissor Jumps(jumping lunges basically, 20 reps)

-bench jumps(20 reps… jump on the bunch, jump down)

-Jumping Hack squat machine(20 reps…keep the weight semi-light so that you can jump, but heavy enough that it burns)

-inverted leg press(15 reps, heavy)

-Smith machine squats(15 reps, heavy)

-Sled push(you probably won’t have this at your gym, but if you have some type of cart with wheels and you can put weights on it, go for it! 2 lengths of the gym)

-Leg extensions(medium weight, 30 reps..this one BURNSS)

-walking lunges(20 reps total)

-Side shuffle (find a stretch of the gym that will give you enough room)

-Squats with two plates under your heels and a barbell over head(15 reps)

-Bench jump overs (side to side…20 reps per leg)

-Run around gym dragging a pack of weights(another one that may be hard to do if you dont have the equipment)

-Toe touches(not the cheerleader kind, bring one foot up to a bench and hop from foot to foot alternating …)

-Cable squats(put the rope attachment on the cable on the lowest setting, put about half the weight stack on, and hold the rope with arms stretched out and do squats…15 reps)

-Burpees(20 reps)

-Bosu Jump Overs(Same as the side to side bench jump overs,  but with a bosu….20 reps per side)

-Stand over a short bench with legs on either side and jump up on the bench and back to the ground(20 reps)

-Frog hops the length of the gym(just find a good length in the gym to do this)


My new trainer brings Leg day a WHOLE NEW MEANING.

On that note, I’m sure you can understand why I didn’t do cardio today 🙂

I did however finish up with some triceps. It felt like heaven after that Leg-Kill.

Eating has been superb and I am really excited about the next few weeks and the changes I will see.

Persistence beats Perfection EVERY TIME.


  1. Lizzie says:

    i’m knackered just reading that!! Amazing woman!!!!

    LOVE the quote – i shall steal that if you dont mind!!

    Love, the OTHER Lizzie xxxx

  2. Therese says:

    Can you put an example of one of your meal plans up again at some point? I know you were good about getting in about 2000 clean calories and I really seem to struggle with this! It’s easy to increase calories by added protein bars or processed foods, but I think I will see better results if I clean up my diet more…

    If you don’t want to post it maybe email me? Thanks! [email protected]