Day of Eats

Hey guys, after a request from the lovely Reese,  I decided to post a typical day of my eating for all to see. This is not my competition diet, this is just every day clean eating. It keeps me satisfied and fuels my workouts.

Meal 1: 1/2 cup oats (or  1/4 cup oats, 1/4 cup wheat bran), 1/2 banana, 1 TBSP Almond or Peanut Butter, 1 TBSP Chia Seeds, Cinnamon

Meal 2: 4 oz. chicken, 1/2 cup cooked brown rice, 1/4 avocado, 2 TBSP Salsa, Veggies

Meal 3: Salad with 4 oz. chicken or fish, any veggies you like, sometimes i add 1/4 cup of black beans, 1 TBSP EV Coconut oil and salsa for dressing

Meal 4: 1 cup egg whites, 1 cup spinach, veggies on the side(or mixed in, your call :))

Meal 5: Same as Meal 2

Meal 6: Same as meal 4

Here’s the thing: I always mix it up. Sometimes I will have meal 3 for meal 2, and meal 5 for meal 1, depending on how I feel. Sometimes, I will stop at the grocery store and get some strawberries and greek yogurt to have as a snack instead of one of those meals. I also swap out the brown rice for sweet potatos and quinoa regularly. As long as my eats are CLEAN and i am pairing my foods together to make it a meal or mini-meal, it works out.

The main goal is to try to pair protein, a complex carb, and fats into most meals. I tend to eat my complex carbs earlier in the day if possible, but sometimes that doesn’t work out and that is OKAY. I eat my complex carbs in 2-3 meals per day and stick to veggies for my carb for the other meals. I have healthy fats usually at 2-4 meals per day.  I always have a protein at each meal. At the end of the day, I like to aim for about 135 g. protein, 150-250 g. carbs, and 50-60 g. fat. Some may think that is a lot of fat, but these are good, healthy fats, and you need fat to burn fat! Some might also think that is a lot of carbs, but I am highly active and I need the carbs to build muscle. Yes, you heard that right, CARBS BUILD MUSCLE. This is such a misconception with many people. They think that protein is the only thing that helps you build muscle. Yes, you need adequate protein, but too much and your body just gets rid of it or turns it into fat. Complex carbs are ESSENTIAL in building muscle and that is why i try to pair complex carbs into 2-3 meals per day. Choosing the right carbs is important as well.

Here is a list of foods that I eat regularly. They keep me full, I enjoy them, and they are clean/healthy eats.

Proteins: Chicken breast, Extra lean ground turkey, egg whites, eggs(1 whole per day), Plain greek yogurt, 100% Whey Protein Isolate

Complex Carbs(Good carbs): Brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, black beans(both quinoa & black beans are also good sources of protein), rolled oats

Veggies: ANY AND ALL VEGGIES ROCK MY WORLD 🙂 Faves include: Red bell peppers, green beans, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, baby carrots, tomatoes, spinach, kale, cucumbers, zucchini, etc.

Fruit: FOR ME, i try to minimize fruit because of how it makes me feel during the day. Too much fruit, and I feel tired and lethargic throughout the day. I usually stick to having my 1/2 banana with my oats in the morning, and maybe an apple or something later in the day, but as I said this is just ME. Fruits are totally AWESOME and definitely my favorite food in the world. Eat them in plentiful amounts. Yes, you can eat too much fruit, but in my opinion, if eating too much fruit is your worst problem. you are doing just fine 😉

Fats: Avocado(1/4-1/2), natural almond & peanut butter(1-2TBSP), extra virgin coconut oil(make sure it isn’t refined!)(1TBSP), Extra virgin olive oil(1TBSP)(i’m not a big fan of it just because i like my foods without oils most of the time, but it is very healthy!), CHIA SEEDS(I swear these things are magical and give me the energy of a 4 year old kid in a candy store)

Note: This is just a brief list and I’m sure I left some things off of there. When in doubt, ask yourself if what you were eating is in its natural state, or if it has been altered. Stick to foods in their natural state. I can’t even begin to explain how much better I feel and how much more efficiently I function when I am eating clean. I feel like absolute CRAP when I eat CRAP food, and it takes a little getting used to , but once you do you will get to bask in all of the wonderful benefits.

If you have ANY questions, please feel free to ask. I have a lot of knowledge on nutrition for both training and everyday life and LOVE to help others in their journey.

P.S.: If you are eating clean foods, you get to eat MORE food and still lose weight(if that is your goal). The beauty of it is that you ask yourself how in the HELL you can get away with eating that much food and still lose weight. I went through it and literally felt like I was cheating the system because I was never hungry. The only time I got hungry was during my depletion for my competition. NEWSFLASH: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE STARVING TO LOSE WEIGHT. Just choose the right foods, and I promise you will feel satisfied. 

 Have a good day ladies (and gents?) 😀

If you’d like to e-mail me: [email protected]


  1. Very interesting!! Thanks for sharing, girl – love your attitude towards counts, fats, etc. I need to get on board with your carb thinking. 🙂

  2. courtlove111 says:

    Thanks so much for posting. I am trying to eat clean more and more and still struggle with it sometimes. I love checking out your blog and seeing all your hard work, it inspires me to stay on the clean eating bandwagon!!

    Adventures in Tri-ing