Archive for August 7, 2009

Nap and Weigh in!

Hey lovelies!! So, after yesterday’s exercise extravaganza, I went to the gym this morning, KNOWING I needed to keep it VERY light. My body was screaming at me not to even go, but I wanted to get a light workout in.

Everything on my body was sore, except for my chest. I knew that cardio was just NOT going to happen, so I decided to just walk on the treadmill and read until my training appointment. I walked at 3.5mph with a 4% incline for 70 minutes.(I got to the gym early because I couldn’t sleep any later than 5…SURPRISED?! ughh..) Then I told my trainer I felt like I needed to keep it light and he said “you look tired.” Haha, just what every woman loves to hear right?! Luckily it is almost impossible to offend me. I am the first one to make fun of myself, I don’t sweat the small stuff. Anyways we did a light chest day. Just some cables and bands and a little bit of abs. Then he told me to GO HOME.

I went home, ate, went to go get my new tire, found out they didn’t have it and needed to have it delivered, went to work for a few hours, decided I REALLY needed a nap or else I was going to kill everyone in the office, so I went home, stopped at Sports Authority on the way home and got me some B-E-A-U tiful new boxing gloves. They are so pretty. The leather is soft, I am in love 🙂 I am also a boxing addict I decided. I LOVEEE it. I reccomend it to anyone and everyone. In shape, out of shape, big small, tall, short whatever. IT IS AMAZING.

Anyways, I came home and ate some much needed carbs. I had egg whites with 1/2 a sweet potato and now I am just chilling out reading blogs, e-mails, etc. I want to go take a nap, but am too lazy to walk the 10 steps to the couch. i will get there eventually.

This no-sleeping thing is really starting to suck. I woke up last night at 12, fell asleep, woke up again at 3 and from there on out i just tossed and turned until I finally got out of bed at 5:07. Ick. The time I was asleep, was not relaxing because I was having a nightmare that I was locked in a room and 2 guys were trying to murder me! AND THEN GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?! I ate PIZZA for dinner with DIET COKE in front of my SPONSORS and they didn’t say a word about it!! So i yelled at them for allowing it. Haha, you know your in contest prep when THAT is what I have dreams about. Ahhh i tell ya. 15 more days bay beeeee.

Bizzy Lizzy

Totally not complaining, I like to be busy. Here’s today so far:

3:00AM: I wake up and lay there for a half hour. Just another one of my random middle-of-the-night-wake-ups. Finally fall back asleep and have CRAZY dreams and get some GOOD sleep in, but only until my alarm clock goes off…
5:30AM:Alarm clock goes off, get out of bed, make breakfast. Today it was 2/3 c. oats, 1/2 c. egg whites, 2 TBSP natural PB, cinnamon. A big breakfast, and tomorrow I will only do 1/2 c. of oats and 1 TBSP PB, because although it didn’t overstuff me, it was a little too much.
6:30AM: Boxed my sox off. He also added a lot of plyo’s in class today. Good thing I had plyo’s on my agenda for today……
7:30AM: Squats, Jump Squats, Leg Extensions, Jumping Lunges, Bulgarian Squats(Split Squats), Bench Jumps, Side Bosu Lunges, Box Jump-overs, Side to Side Band Walks, High skips, butt kickers, high knees.
8:45AM: 31 min on the Arc Trainer and STRETCHED 🙂
9:45AM: Chicken, salsa, avocado, green beans, almond buttaaaa

After that morning, I headed to my apartment office. At the beginning of next month(September 8th) I will be moving into a different unit, since my roommate is not moving back in and I am SICK of paying for a 2 bedroom when I don’t use the other room at ALL.

Finished up the paperwork and got everything set up, then went back to my apartment showered, packed some food, and headed to work. Got a few things done, ate my salad with salmon, coconut oil, pico de gallo with red bell pepper on the side, and headed back home.

Now I am just hanging out relaxing for a bit. Answering e-mails, talking to my sponsor, and reading bloggies/facebooking/twittering. I ate some more oatmeal(forgot how much I loved/missed this stuff) and the almond butter fairy attacked me and forced 4 TBSP into my mouth!!! 😉

Lucky for me, I had the room calorie-wise, and my oatmeal turned into my dinner. I am taking yet another boxing class this evening at club SAR(the city’s gym..aka the sauna) so, I think I have burned my fair amount of calories today. I seriously am getting more and more intense with my workouts. I have to be careful not to run myself into the ground! But I figure, I have less than a month (Sept. 5th is my last comp. for a while) to push it. And to be honest, I LOVE working out like a maniac. Absolutely LOVE IT. I thought of a great way to punish myself if I were to binge(which I will NOT, trust me. My mindset is SPOT ON :)) But in the future, if I binge, I am NOT ALLOWED to workout the next day. That will motivate me, because I don’t take rest days very well.

My nickname in my AM boxing class has become “freak show”. Ha love it.

Hope everyone is doing well!! Loving me this 100 day challenge! 🙂 I had a rough start, but have bounced back and I think a lot of that has to do with me not having RAGING HORMONEs that a stupid relative brought last week. She is nasty. Glad to have her gone!


Hey guys! The title of this post is because I don’t know what else to say. It has been a long two days. Not in a bad way, but just exhausting.

Yesterday, I boxed, did an hour of Shoulders and Biceps, 35 min. on the arc trainer. I left the gym, ate my yummy chicken, avocado, salsa combo with brown rice and broccoli/cauliflower on the side. It is seriously my fave post-gym meal. It fills me up, but doesn’t make me completely stuffed.(I know it seems like so much food, but it is just the right size.)

Afterwards, I headed to work to deal with some crap, crap and more crap. The lady i work with(my dad’s assistant) is the sweetest lady ever, but talks so much. It makes it hard to get things done because she just talks, and talks, and when she hands me a paper, I get a 5 minute explanation along with a story about her kids, or grand kids, etc. etc. Sometimes, I just don’t want to talk! When I am at work, I work. Call it anti-social, but if I have things to do, I tend to work fast and hard to get it all done. It’s how I have always been with school and work. No time for lolly-gagging.

How do you guys work? Do you prefer working alone? Working with others? Working slowly and taking your time, or pounding it out in a short amount of time? More importantly, do you have a Chatty Kathy at your office? (If anyone reading is named Kathy, no hard feelings k?!)

After I left work, I got a call from my dad that he needed somethign picked up out in East Mesa and brought back to his office.(63 miles round trip) It worked out okay, because I got to spend some quality time with Killswitch Engage. I listened to their new CD at least 3 times 🙂

My friend Perry informed me that he was going to be taking a boxing conditioning class that night and that I should come since I’ve become such an addict. It was at a new gym, and well it was only $3. How could I turn it down? Ended up being a really good class(I still prefer my normal boxing class), but the gym was a SAUNA. Not a bad thing though, because I am a weirdo and actually prefer it a little warm when I am working out. (Told ya I’m a native AZonan) I will definitely take this class again! Needless to say, I came home and crashed out.

I have been having such a hard time sleeping these past few months. I fall asleep INSTANTLY, but always wake up once or twice in the night. Sometimes I fall back asleep right away, and sometimes I have to get up and do something for a while. It’s really frustrating and I think it correlates to being in a calorie deficit. Any other dieters/contest preppers ever have this problem? It is starting to take it’s toll on me, as today I have been pretty exhausted. Not the tired where you want to fall asleep, the tired where you are NOT ready to go to sleep, your just tired.

Anyways, this morning I got a 15 minute run in, followed by a sweaty Back/Tricep/Abs sesh with my trainer, and ended it with 45 minutes on the treadmill, varying speeds, inclines, and directions. (Walking backwards at about 2.9mph with a 15% incline KILLS the quads. Such a burn)

Worked all day again today and then got me some new RUNNING SHOES 🙂 My other ones were SHOT. I haven’t had them for very long, but I go through shoes pretty quickly because of all the miles I put on thoses babies. I got the same pair I have gotten the past two times. Here are my loves:

Is it weird that I get so excited about new running shoes?! It made me happier than any other purchase I could think of at the moment. Can’t wait to workout tomorrow just to wear them!!

I am feeling strong mentally and it makes all the difference. 17 Days 🙂 Night!!

Queen Box-a-lot and an Award

Well first off I want to thank miss Melissa for the “Honest Scap Award” If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, DO IT. Talk about motivation!! Thanks Melissa!

This award is:

“bestowed upon a fellow blogger who’s blog content or design, the givers opinion, is brilliant. This award is about bloggers who post from thier heart,who often times put their heart on display as they write from the depths of their soul”.

What a great award! I am so happy this was given to me 🙂

The rules to accepting this award are:

1)Brag about it(done above :-))

2)select 7 blogs you find brilliant and link them to the post

3) list 10 honest things about self

Okay so 7 blogs I love(in no order..and this was hard to narrow down to just 7!):

Melissa at Melissa’s Journey to the Figure Pro-Stage

Kaneil at Balance is Best

April at The Weigh I Am

Reese the Hott Healthy Housewife

Shelly at Here I am-The Other Side of the Journey

Sohee at Let’s See What I can Do

Becca at A Mile in These Shoes

Ahh like I said really hard to narrow it down..i seriously read SO many blogs that i LOVEEE so if I forgot you and I comment on you a lot, consider yourself tagged as well 🙂

And now for 10 Honest things about myself:

1. I have never been in a relationship that lasted longer than 3 months.(of officialness, i don’t count the “still talking/hanging out blah crap…that lasted way too long with my ex!”)

2. I have extreme body image issues, and I still sometimes try to cover up my “fat” I have never been overweight, so I don’t know why this is, but it is.

3. Addiction runs in my family and I am no exception, I have just chosen to use it for the good : Exercise addict.

4. I listen to heavy metal and love to rock out. I play guitar and piano and music is a serious part of my life. If I hadn’t gotten into fitness and competing/workingout, I would be a roadie. No joke.

5. I don’t drink and haven’t since I was 15. I had 1 drink on my 21st birthday and 1 drink when I went to Las Vegas. My mom is an alcoholic and I know I have the potential to become that, I don’teven want to mess with it!(plus it makes you fat!)

6. I used to eat fast food at least twice a day (often more) drink about 5-7 cans of dr. pepper per day, eat dominos and brownie bites like they were going to be discontinued, and still didn’t gain weight. Oh how i loved high school……..(i however did not have the physique I have now..i was “skinny fat” i look back at pictures now in disgust.)

7. I have a lot of confidence but at the same time, i am really hard on myself. I will usually come up with reasons why I’m not good enough, why someone won’t like me, and actually have really low self esteem. It is a weird mix, but totally true.

8. I have lived in AZ my whole life and have never been to the Grand Canyon. eek.

9. I always wished that I had cousins that were my age. All of my family growing up was adults besides my bros and sis. We had two cousins that lived here that we didn’t really like (we’re mean, but if i began with the stories, you would get it) and the only other kids lived in Pennsylvania, so we only saw them once in a blue moon.

10. My ideal life is to move up north to a small town with my husband and kids and live in a big house with a lot of property. I want to be about an hour and a half away from Phoenix. Close enough, but not too close. Somewhere with good hiking, running trails, and good neighbors.

Quick re-cap since this is wayy long already: This morning took boxing, did an hour long shoulder/bicep workout(crushed em!), 35 minutes on the arc trainer, worked, and then took ANOTHER boxing class this evening. WOO my body aches. Eating was MUY bien 🙂 and i stretched TWICE today. yay! Bring on tomorrow!! 18 days.

Evening Run!

Hey again! Ahh, I didn’t do much else today after my nap-fest. I did make it to the grocery store because I was out of chicken. I wouldn’t have slept well knowing I didn’t have my favorite post-workout meal waiting for me after my workout tomorrow.

I am seriously in love with chicken, avocado and a little salsa on top with red pepper flakes and pepper. It doesn’t sound that great but I loveeeeee it.

I finished cooking up my chick-a-dees, and cleaned the kitch, and thought about going for a run. Before I knew it, I was outside hitting the pavement. The true Arizonan in me came out, because although it was still about 98 degrees outside(high of 111 today :)) I thought it felt really nice out. I didn’t wear my HRM, I didn’t bring a watch, I didn’t map out a route, I just RAN. And ran and ran! I ran fast and loved every minute of it. I always forget how much I love my outdoor runs. They are so soothing to my cluster-f*&k of a brain. The whole time I was out there I was thinking about how thankful I am to have the drive and ability and athleticism to just run my heart out. It felt so amazing. I ran along the road by my house which is a windy road. It is about 1.6 miles long in length so I decided I would run up and down it(approx 3.2 miles) I didn’t time myself, but door to door it took me about 30 minutes. All I had with me was my ipod and I really can’t wait until the weather cools down a bit.(Which in AZ, our summer usually doesn’t end until like October. bleh) Either way, these evening runs will hopefully happen more often.

That’s all i’ve got for now, but I will be back tomorrow with a possible cure for my raging hormones. Ugh the aunt is almost gone and hopefully life will be NORMAL again, until excuses 🙂


Well I pounded it out at the gym this morning. Had a great workout, came home and ate some chicken and avocado, sweet potato(haven’t had it in so long, but this weekend i cooked one up and still had the other half) and some much needed asparagus to try to dump some of this water I am holding on to. A little later i made some oats with almond butter and a drizzle of honey, and then I decided I was REALLY TIRED. I called my work and told them I would be coming in tomorrow, instead of today, and I layed on the couch. I literally napped my face off.

I woke up to my phone ringing(3 hours later!). It was a girl I met at the NPC show who does mobile tanning. I had scheduled a phone meeting with her to discuss a discounted rate for all of the girls I pose with if we all use her. Turns out she is the official tanner for the show anyways, so it worked out. She is giving us a GREAT rate, so that will be nice.

I just woke up a little bit ago and am working from home, getting some phone calls in, and e-mails out. I just had a red bell pepper, delish. I love those things I wish they weren’t so expensive.

I have to confess I started buying them at the 99 cent store. I feel kind of weird buying produce at a place like that, but 3 bell peppers for 99 cents?! Can’t beat that. I might start growing weird things out of my body, but I can save a few bucks right?!

Anyways, that is all I’ve got for now. I’m feeling TERRIFIC now that I have napped. I was a grumper earlier. Sleep is a wonderful thing. I’ll check back later. 🙂

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