Sorry about the MIA-ness guys!! I have no excuse other than, I’ve just been too lazy to write. I have been reading though and will get to commenting soon enough!

After my fun weekend, yesterday was pretty mundane. I worked out in the morning (3.15 mile run on the treadmill, 31 sets of glutes/hams, and 45 minutes of incline walking) and then ran errands and the day really flew by. Before I knew it, it was time for some boxing at Club SAR. This class was an instructional class and I learned many new things about my form, etc. I also learned this: Shadow Boxing is Hilarious. I don’t know that I will ever do it without feeling a little bit crazy, or ever watch someone do it without thinking that they are a little bit crazy, but ya gotta do it! 🙂

Yesterday’s calories were a bit high, but it’s all good. I probably still had somewhat of a deficit, or at least broke even, so I’m not worried too much about it. I have 11 days until competition I believe!! Down to the nitty gritty. I am kind of freaking out because I need to work on my posing more, figure out which bottoms I will be wearing, and get the rest of my costume for my themed sportswear. Ahh! I had a nightmare about not being ready for the competition last night, but money has been tight and so has time, so it’s been hard to piece it all together! I have posing with the girls tomorrow, so my goal is to have everything ready by Friday, and then just pose, pose pose until I am all posed out. Getting excited though!

Today I had my normal boxing class at the gym, then hit the weights for Shoulders/Biceps..good workout, not the best, but those days happen, and then did 45 minutes of treadmill..mixed it up with running, incline walking, backwards incline walking, etc. I am going to work in a little bit and doing another boxing conditioning class tonight at 6pm. I finally got my own gloves too!! Look at these beauties!! :):) Have a great day!


  1. Becca says:

    Nice gloves! Are you more nervous for this show, because of the extra round and all? I would be! I'm sure you'll do fine though!

  2. Melissa Cunningham says:

    wow,11 days!!! time is flying by!!!! im getting sooooo excited for you!!!!