Rest Day
Today I plan on a full day of rest. This weeks workouts ended up being much more intense than what I had planned(go figure.) My whole body is sore for the most part and I just need to chill out.
I am feeling like it is really hard to stay on plan this week. I had my little eat-shit-after-contest days…got back on track on Tuesday. Tuesday, Wed. and Thursday were amazing nutrition-wise. Friday was going great all day and then I ended up at my dads house to help him with something and ended up eating a bunch of crap. I DO realize I have another competition in a month right?! 28 days to be exact. I don’t know what my deal is. Today, mentally, I am in a funk AGAIN. I think that today I am going to let myself indulge a little bit and then really kick it up again and get back to my no-excuses frame of mind. If not, I am going to embarass myself on stage. I haven’t ruined anything yet, but I don’t know what is wrong with my head!!
Tomorrow marks 27 days until my next competition. I can assure you that my meals will be spot on from tomorrow on out. I still have carbs so I don’t know what my deal is. I love the foods I eat, just a rut. It happens to everyone, and I know that it is all about moving forward and just sucking it up and pulling myself out of it. That is all I can do.
My trainer and I have put together a plan of some sort.
Aug. 22nd – Ms. Bikini America
September 5th – OCB Fit Model
November – Nationals in Vegas?!(still researching this and deciding…)
December – Feb – Bulk a little bit (eek scary to me because I know this means I will have to put on a little bit of fat……)
March-June – Lean out again
July- NPC possibly figure depending on the outcomes of my bulking. I know if I want it bad enough I can do it, but putting on fat SCARES me.
One thing I am sure of is that I am doing an EXCELLENT job of not eating cuz of stress(unless im doing it subconsciously??) I feel like the family stuff that has gone on in the past week not only with my brother but now with my mom as well(more on this in another post possibly if i feel up to it. ) has only fueled my fire to kick it up a notch.
Today will be my day of rest, both physically and mentally. I am going out tonight with friends, and tomorrow will be a normal day..and so will the 27 days that follow. I WILL pull my head out of my ass by tomorrow, promise 🙂
Ahh venting is nice. Thanks for reading if you even made it this far!
ahhhh,gotta love the transition time between shows! i felt simular from my may 16th show to the july 11th one-only 6 weeks of it was contest prep mode and it was hard! the mental battle with food and being stuck in a rut-bored with the monotany of ssdd (same s***,different day)…but just do as you say-pull yourself out of it and stay on track-it is very easy to get off course mentally if you dont put all your effort into it-maybe you can use your stress to your advantage as far as workouts go-i know we think alike so your stress outlet is balls to the wall in the gym or running fast and furious…just careful there on not to overtrain! also with food and next year shows for figure- DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ADDING FAT-if you workout right and manipulate nutrition right,you dont have to gain anything but muscle (maybe a little fat,but us gals need a little bit during "off season")it is a scary thought to though and yet again,another mental challange to get through!!!
i am very excited to see how far you will go in the fitness industry-you def have the drive and discipline to make it happen-so on that note-
dont talk about it BE about it!!
keep up your hard work,it can be hard sometimes but push through and keep on keeping on chica!
(oh thank you for your comment on my post btw!)
Ok, i am a few days behind on blogs so catching up now. Yeah your plan looks good. Hm, I guess I didn't realize you qualified for nationals at your show! Go you!!! Maybe you and I can do a natty show together, I am trying to plan on which one I want to do next year. probably chicago just based on proximity. 🙂
Your routine sounds totally normal. One thing I wanted to say though, about your boobs being sore, mine were after my comp too. I thougth it was from the cheats. It only took me about a week before the cheats caught up with me, even though just like you, i cleaned my diet up by tuesday. Period was no where in site for another month so don't be surprised if it's your skin just holding water and what not. OH! One other thing I am curious about is to see if alcohol makes you sore now…for some reason, even if I only have like 2 glasses of wine, my skin feels tender the next day. I guess we will have to wait tillafter your august show to find out.
I am interested to see how you like your FAP show. I looked into it but the bikini round basically says its like a pageant and I wasn't looking for that. NOr do I want to have to answer a question on stage! LOL
OK girlie, keep up the good work. TTYl