Archive for July 17, 2009

Pet Peeves

I don’t want to be a complainer, but these two pet peeves have been coming up a lot lately and I just thought I would share my opinion.

The first one. Today one of my friends was saying that he started working out again. I told him that’s great and to keep it up! He then responded with “I don’t buy into it. I worked out for 5 months and didn’t see any results. Working out doesn’t do anything.” Most of you probably can imagine how I felt. I told him he obviously isn’t working out properly if he didn’t see any results in 5 months. Even if you don’t change your diet, you should at least see SOMETHING…even a little more muscle or just being stronger, even if there are no physical changes. Grr..

Pet Peeve #2: I get pretty frustrated when people say they are eating healthy, but in fact are not…example…

Person: “I ate a healthy snack today!”
Me: “Oh awesome! What did you have?”
Person: “I had a 100 calorie pack of oreos and a jello!!”

This is a pet peeve of mine only because I feel sorry for people who really believe this is a healthy snack. Yes, this is a better choice than a bag of chips and a snickers, but the food companies make consumers believe they are eating “healthy” by eating a 100 calorie pack of almost-anything-you-can-think-of. This pet peeve isn’t one that makes me angry at the makes me angry at the food companies who market these as health foods. Small snacks? Yes. Healthy foods? NO!!

Anyways enough of that!!! I am 2 days away!! My body is seriously on meltdown…aka…i’m a lean mean machine…energy levels are pretty low but I still got through boxing, a shoulder workout and 30 minutes on the incline today!! I am digging deep and pulling out all the energy I can even though my body is totally desperate for REAL energy. I seriously can’t wait to eat a bowl of oats with my eggs on Sunday morning! Gotta keep it clean, though until the photo shoot, but Monday I am going to probably have a treat…if i feel like it. Tuesday I will be back to my clean eats!! I love healthy food and can’t wait for some brown rice and some fruit!! Ahh miss those.

Ask and you shall receive!

So many of you have asked to see pictures so i took a few. Don’t mind the weird smiles haha but they were seriously impromptu. As in, i just took them and am still in my suit typing 🙂 Yeah im a dork!!

Oh and also don’t mind the tan lines..those will be taken care of soon! 🙂
Picture 1: Abs look better in this one! I had just eaten though, they were popping even more this morning!! yay!!
Enjoy!!! And no worries..i will DEF. let you all know how I did by Saturday night!!!!! Won’t get to eat my cheat meal after the show though, as my photo shoot is moved to Sunday evening. Ahhh 2 more days of workouts/tan/hair/meetings/lowest carbs 🙁 🙁 🙁 Saturday will be here soon enough right?! SLOWEST WEEK EVERRRRRRR.

Short post

I don’t have time for much of a post, but I thought I’d get one in before I go to bed.

Boxing this morning was great as usual. I had a lot of energy(um no idea WHY lol) and then I did back today by itself. I did chin ups(neutral and supinated grip), low rows, lat pulldowns from my knees, straight arm pull downs and one arm rows. Absolutely destroyed it. It felt really good. I love when I get a great back workout. My legs are sore as hell from yesterdays workout. I can’t even remember if I posted or not. My mind is so foggy from this low-carb-ness.

My silly mother sent me a text today and told me “Don’t commit carbocide!!” She cracks me up. I am definitely beat right now. 3 more days of this and then Saturday will be here!

Oh forgot to mention, I am now getting an airbrush tan for the show. Found out that they don’t allow Dream Tan at this show(not sure why??? anyone know???) and its only 80 bucks and the girl will come to the show with me and touch me up as needed. Got waxed today, forgot how much that hurts, but one less thing to worry about. Getting my hair done Friday, then getting tanned, then a meeting for the competition. Saturday morning just gotta touch up the hair, paint my face, bring my supplies and head to the competition. I am rambling now sorry!! Like I said, my brain is foggy, but I’m pushing through. Abs are popping and I am pleased with how I’m looking.

Stay tuned!! Tomorrow: Bi’s/Tri’s, 60-90 min. cardio and posing practice. Then possibly going to the lake if I have the energy for it!


Bitch Week

Oops I mean peak week!! 😉

Yeah I already warned my friends and family to watch out. I am a little crabby, but who wouldn’t be on 50g of carbs a day! Workout this morning went well despite the lack of food!

Started with 30 min on the Arc Trainer, then did Legs with Dae. It was SUPER intense today, he made my legs feel like they weighed about 652 lbs by the time I was down.(Yes, that exact weight.) And after that, I finished it off with an hour of incline walking.

Besides my competition on Saturday, I have a photo shoot on Friday night!! My old trainers twin brother happens to be an AMAZING photographer and offered to shoot me for free.(How am I so broke with all of this free stuff??????????It’s pathetic.) Going to shop around at lululemon tomorrow for some cute sports bras!! I have some cute black booty shorts that I got over the weekend at another fitness clothing boutique, so I will see what else I should get. Any suggestions??

Got my dream tan in the mail and tried some on on my stomach. I like the color and it seems pretty easy to apply and everything!! Thanks again for everyone’s suggestions on that!!

I am super stoked for Saturday but I must say, this bitch week…i mean peak week…is going by very slowly!!! It’s only Monday?!?! I’m sure time will fly though from here on out.

Hope everyone is doing well!!! I’ll keep you all updated. You all are amazing!!!

Beat it, Beat it, no one wants to be defeated!!

I know you are all probably so sick of MJ songs, but I’m not haha. Is it weird that I find him attractive in the “Bad” video?? Hahaha. I may have just lost 20 readers after that 🙂 Oh well.

Anyways, I woke up this morning at around 8. I went to bed at 5 haha. It was an awesome night though and totally worth it. I have trouble sleeping in, so I got up and had a ton of energy(no idea why…im a freak like that i guess). I hopped on the treadmill at my apartment complex planning to do 3 miles, 3 turned to 6, and then my friend came over and 6 turned into 9!!! Not complaining though. That’s what happens when your distracted telling stories haha.

I finished and ate some chicken because it was all I was in the mood for and headed to the gym for some chest and abbies. Finished that and came home to some green beans, 1 egg and 1 cup of egg whites. Real carbs are gone. I decided to cut them now because I want to try to squeeze out another pound of fat before Saturday.

The day is approaching quickly and I am SOOO excited!! Gotta work on my posing this week too and let my nutrition and training pay off! I hope I do well, but even if I don’t…this journey has been great. I can’t really see myself getting out of this sport 😉 It hink….i will have to see how I feel AFTER i actually compete haha

happy Sunday all! Congrats Jeh!!

Laundry and Life

I gotta love when I go to put some laundry in the washing machine, only to find that I haven’t put my last load of laundry into the dryer from two days ago. Grrr, must re-do it.

Things have been going great. Workouts this week were awesome. Thursday was Boxing, followed by a Quad/Plyo workout, followed by a spin class. I know there are people who LOVE spin, but I have tried and tried..sometimes I like the class, but the majority of the time I don’t. I have gone to maybe 5-6 classes, and I feel like if it was my “thang” I would probably like it better. I also know that I do NOT like the teacher that I have done it with the past two times. The first time she was okay, but this last time she was spitting out false information about the way your body burns fat, etc. I wanted to tell everyone in the class to stop listening to her, but alas I just spun my little heart out 🙂

Yesterday I did Shoulders and Calves along with my cardio and today I plan on Chest and Abs with cardio. I officially have 7 days until my competition. Things are coming together. I have been working on my posing and walk(probably the HARDEST part about this competition…no joke) and just keeping the eating good and clean. Carbs will be cut on Tuesday, and my last weight session is Wednesday. Thursday I will box and do more cardio and Friday will be completely OFF from exercise. On Saturday, Lisa and I are going to get ready at her house. My hair stylist is coming over to do our hair(for free..thanks Mari!) and our trainer, Dae, is hopefully going to get a trainers pass and be there to kick our butt on to the stage.

Can I just say, do I not have the BEST trainer in the world?? Former body builder, marine corps captain, physical therapist, AND runway model?! He is able to help me build muscle, heal injuries, AND make sure my walk and posing is up to par. What more could I ask for? The man is a genius, he seriously knows everything. Love him.

Not sure what else is on the agenda for today, but I am feeling great and have high spirits. I am high on life right now and SO excited for this competition. Good luck to Rae, Jehanne, and Melissa this weekend!!


This lovely lady has given me a blogger award!!! Check her out…she’ll give you a good laugh and some great advice for contest prep!! Thanks April!!

To accept this award, I am suppose to list 7 traits about myself and then pass the award onto 7 other bloggers who deserve recognition for the personality they share through their blog.

Here goes….

1. I love heavy metal and can’t get enough double bass!

2. Prior to my life-changing personal trainer, Bret, (august 2007) I ate fast food at least once or twice a day and lived off of Dr. Pepper cans. Think 7-8 per day. Yeah. Sick.

3. I have no problem eating things that fell on the floor, past their expiration date, or the possibility of it being undercooked. I almost see it as a challenge to my immune system..yes i WEIRD and this is probably a really stupid habit of mine haha.

4. When i was younger, my parents would let me wear whatever I wanted to school. This meant in kindergarten: a shirt, tucked in and not pulled out at all just tucked in as far as it could…with a vest over it that had cartoon characters on it. And none of it matched. Hot, i know.

5. I used to be the quarterback on my flag football team….played for 4 years and loved every minute of it. I also played baseball until the age of 16 on a guy travelling team…I wasn’t amazing at offense, but there was no ball i couldn’t pick out of the dirt at first base!

6. I miss my baseball days and would give anythign to be 14 again on the same team that I was on. Best times of my life!!

7. I realize I don’t know where I am going with my life and I honestly don’t care. I want to do many things and am going to pursue one thing at a time. Hopefully it works out 🙂

Okay I tag……







***The rest of this post somehow got deleted….but training is going well and eating is too!! I have 8 more days until I hate the stage!!

Good luck this weekend Melissa!!! You are going to do amazing. If you haven’t already, check this girl out!

My feet are tired?

Hey guys!!! I want to say thank you to everyone for the input on the tanning and for the encouragement. You guys bring me up when i’m down!!!!

I decided to go with Dream Tan. I am picking up my suit on Thursday, and will post pictures. 🙂

Workout today:
Boxing(another KILLER workout). Steve(instructor) made me do extra sets of everything again. Example of 1 combo we did: 11 hard hooks, 5 pushups, 20 mountain climbers….i did 20 sets(i think i coudn’t count he was counting for me) of that back to back NO rest. That was just one of probably 8 combos we did. Seriously the best class EVER. I wish you all could try it so much fun. After I left the class and was walking upstairs to the weight room, my actual feet were tired. Taking steps was hard because my feet didn’t even want to point and flex(or whatever movement they do when we walk). I was a sweaty mess, but still had more to do. Back and biceps was my game today. Here is the workout..4 sets each:
-Chin-ups(4 sets of 2 with negatives….i’m weak i am working my way up to doing 10. That is one of my goals but stay tuned for the rest of those…..)
-Lat Pulldowns superset with Seated Rows
-T-Bar Rows superset with Dumbbell curls
(at this point i was seriously depleted of any and all energy…but alas i pushed forward to finish the workout. it was seriously rough though…)
-Straight Arm Pulldowns superset with Cable Hammer Curls

Instead of doing my cardio right after that, i knew i had to get some food in me to replenish my energy. I ate and then headed back to the gym and did 45 minutes on the arc trainer. Here is today’s food:

1: 1 egg, 1 cup egg whites, some cherries
2: 5 oz. chicken, 1/2c brown rice, red bell pepper, baby carrots
3: ezekiel bread with 1 TBSP almond butter
4: salad with : spring mix, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 roma tomato, 3 oz chicken, 4 TBSP fresh pico de gallo, red onions
5: ezekiel bread with 1 TBSP almond butter
6: 1c. spinach, 1c. egg whites, 1/2c. wheat bran with 1/2 TBSP almond butter and 1/2 banana

I ate the wheat bran like i would eat oats….after reading Pauline Nordin’s post, I just had to try it. If this is true, life just became absolutely more amazing than it already is. I looked it up and some articles came up but nothing solid. I believe Pauline though, have you SEEN that girl?! I’ll take her advice over any columnist 🙂

Stay tuned for a post about my goals after this competition is over. (i am also going to be doing FitnessAmerica on August 22nd, but will post my goals after July 18th NPC show.)

11 days!!!!

13 days left

As I sit here on my couch, watching YouTube videos of NPC Bikini competitions, I have begun to look back at this journey. I began this journey in December. How I got into this, I am not really sure, except that something about the sport intrigued me. It intrigued me enough to pull me out of the rut I had been living, and change my life. The physical aspects of this journey are that I gained muscle mass, lost body fat, and took my fitness to another level that my body had not yet seen. Workouts became harder, and ironically more enjoyable. The euphoria doesn’t get old, my friends. Mentally, this journey has been incredible. I have learned more about myself than I could begin to write. I now know that when I think I have reached my maximum, I still have more in me. I learned that if I want something, I can make it happen. I learned that being happy lies within the little things in life. These little things add up to what we perceive as happiness. When the good things outweigh the bad. Notice how I said outweigh, because there will always be negative aspects of life. It is part of life and part of the journey of life. Whether I take first place in this competition, or dead last, no judge can take away the amazing experiences I have had. Waking up at the butt crack of dawn to train, staring at the burgers and pizza that my friends and family scarf down, while I eat my egg whites and asparagus, saying no to a mid-week party so that I can get my rest, it sounds awful when I write it down. But what those people don’t have is what I have. A new found strength, a new found confidence, and a road travelled that most will never embark on in their entire lives. Whether it be lack of interest or fear, this journey can’t be taken away from me. And from here on out, I can build upon these trials and tribulations. Making myself a better person, inside and out.

I trained, I starved, I conquered.

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