So i put a deposit down on my suit today!! After all, I am going to do bikini. I really will just not do well in figure (in my opinion and in others) so I would rather do somethign that I have a shot at doing well in! The suit is a teal-ish color, I reallyyyyy like it. She still has to make it, so I will post pics when it is finished!!

Other than that, I have been practising my posing, eating right, and working out. I have cut down on the cardio a little bit and I must say, although it has been hard, it is very nice to not have to pump out an hour after every hard ass weight training session. I need to build up my back and shoulders as much as possible in the next 6 weeks. July 18th will come soon!

I have been doing extremely well on the diet front. Cutting out the fruits has made me add in more fats. FINALLY. I have been eating avocados and more almond butter. Will be adding in flax seeds and coconut oil next week as well.

I am feeling great as far as the competition prep is going. The rest of my life…well F*&* IT! 🙂 I am just going to live my life and do what makes ME happy and let the rest of the garbage throw itself out. I tend to try and fix everything, but for now, I am stepping back and letting it happen.

Hope everyone is doing well!

One comment

  1. Mrs. Sheila says:

    I am a fixer too.. and it is so hard to let things go, but you have to for yourself. I can't fix the world, so I need to stop trying! All that happens is I wear myself out and I am no good to anyone. LOL

    I love using coconut oil! Talk about a natural high! HA!