Rewards in Vein
Sorry guys! I have been wayy busy! (Doing what? I’m not sure!) Just kidding.
Let’s seeee had a great weekend…stuck to the diet and went out both Friday and Saturday night! Drinking has never been an issue for me because i’ve never been a it’s easy for me to say no..people usually don’t even ask because they just know.
Yesterday was my glute/ham day. I annhilated them. After doing my deadlifts, my legs were already shaky..i knew it would be an intense workout right then. If i remember correctly the workout consisted of deadlifts, ham curls, smith machine hack squats, glute machine, hip abduction, smith machine lunges anddd i think thats it. 4 sets of each. My hammies are hurting today..i love it 🙂
Today was shoulders and biceps. My left rear delt has been bugging me so i didn’t do shoulders last week other than some light recovery stuff. It’s feeling okay ..still a little pain…but my personal opinion(and this is just me i am no doctor) is that when i have a small injury…working it out carefully and controlled is the best medicine. I did my shoulder workout..i went heavy but not max-heavy.(i.e. 17.5 lb DB’s for shoulder press instead of 20 or 22.5) and just did higher reps(15-20) Biceps was awesome. These babies are getting strong! I picked up the 40 pound EZ bar and was repping it out like nothing. 50 lb EZ bar next time fo sho! 🙂 I am getting a new vein in my left bicep..i get excited about that..i know im a weirdo..but i love veins!! I feel like they are a reward for my progress. Maybe when i am older i can tell my kids “son, i got this vein when i was training for my first competition” hahaha totally kiddding im not thattttttt weird. (or am i?) hehe.
Anyways cardio has been balls to the walls this week…..yesterday was incline walking at 15% at 3.7mph for 35 minutes and a 20 minute jog….today was 20 minutes of elliptical and then 40 minutes of running (5 min warmup at 6.5mph, 25 min. of intervals at 8.5 mph and then 10 minutes at 6.5mph) it was about 5 miles total. Good stuff.
I took my pupperooski to get some shots today..he took it like a man…and i can’t wait to bring him to the dog park next week 🙂 Going rock climbing now..have a great evening! I will try to bring some more structure to my blogs this week. If i get the time.
Here’s the little (75 pound) baby for your enjoyment 🙂 (1 year old)
What a sweety! Your dog ;)…and you LOL!
I love a great cardio session!
Aww he's just adorable!!!
OMG your pupper is SO cute! haha I don't think it's weird that you love veins – it's funny though!! And I so wish I just wasn't a drinker like you – wow – can't imagine!
Gotta love that boxer face. I have an american bulldog and they have a lot of the same characteristics. Aw, look how sad he looks. LOL