Archive for May 12, 2009

Monday Overview





  • 1C Spinach
  • 1C egg whites
  • 2 Grapefruits
  • 1 tangelo



  • 2C Spinach
  • 2C Egg Whites
  • 2.5 Servings Asparagus
  • ¼ C Oats
  • ½ TBSP AB
  • 56g banana


  • 20 Almonds
  • 1C Egg whites


  • 2.5 Servings asparagus
  • 1C Spinach
  • 1C Egg Whites
  • 3 grapefruit
  • 26 strawberries
  • 1 plain oikos






Back: Compound Sets (3 sets each)

  • lat pulldowns w/cable rows
  • seated cable pulldowns w/ supinated bent over rows
  • assisted neutral grip chin-ups w/ one arm rows
  • cable iron cross pulldowns w/ band lat squeezes(2 sets)


  • 41 min. run:13 intervals(6.5-8.5/9 mph)
  • 14 min. incline walk-3.5mph 15%
  • 5 min. cool down walk
  • The Mix-45 min.




-1276 through exercise


Monday Monday

Hello all!

I will start off by saying I did end up eating my bowl of cereal yesterday….and maybe it was more like 3 bowls of cereal. and there might have been a bagel in there…or 2…..did i mention the bowl of ice cream i had? what about the cookies? Yeah i carbed it up let me tell ya! I did it on purpose though because i am sick of thinking “hey i haven’t had a cheat day in 3 weeks…i can have one at any time” I decided to just suck it up and do it. It was much needed and always puts me back in my place.
With that said I had a great workout this morning. I made a fancy little chart for all of you to see but i can’t figure out how to get it in here without needing a magnifying glass to read it. 🙁 But here is the ugly chart

· 1C Spinach
· 1C egg whites
· 2 Grapefruits
· 1 tangelo
· 1C Spinach
· 1C Egg Whites
· 2.5 Servings Asparagus




Back: Compound Sets (3 sets each)
· lat pulldowns w/cable rows
· seated cable pulldowns w/ supinated bent over rows
· assisted neutral grip chin-ups w/ one arm rows
· cable iron cross pulldowns w/ band lat squeezes(2 sets)
· 41 min. run:13 intervals(6.5-8.5/9 mph)
· 14 min. incline walk-3.5mph 15%
· 5 min. cool down walk
· The Mix-45 min.(group fitness class)



I will update the calories in/out at the end of the day. (Out will be based off of exercise calories out only and obviously won’t be 100% accurate but it will give me/you an idea.)
The rest of today I will spend working and no plans for the evening. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mother’s out there! To be able to focus on weight loss, competition prep, working out, and just being healthy while having children as well BLOWS me away. Taking care of yourself is one thing, but doing it while taking care of others is a totally different animal. You are all amazing!

I feel like i haven’t posted in forever! Life in the world of Lizzy has been good. My little brother is doing so well. I haven’t seen him this happy, upbeat, wanting to be with the family, and so positive in years. It literally makes me cry when I think about it because I feel like I have my little brother back. I didn’t even realize that this side of him still existed. Sad, I know, but drugs will do that to ya. Hoping and praying that he can stay this one. I am there for him every step of the way and he knows that, so I hope that he will rely on me if he ever needs the help, which I’m sure he will. This is an uphill battle for him still.

I have been sticking to my diet(i shouldn’t even call it that, this is a way of life for me now and it feels like a way of life…not like a diet.) and exercising the same. Lately I am noticing my body leaning out a lot. I have been getting alot of comments that I am getting “smaller and more ripped.” YESSS that is what i like to hear!!! 🙂 I hate, however, the comments like “you look so skinny!” Skinny?! I don’t want to be skinny!! I want to be STRONG and fit. Not too strong, not bulky, but I work out hard enough at least tell me I look toned not skinny!! Haha…anyways enough of the mini rant.

Today we are going to my grandmother’s to celebrate mother’s day. Her side of the family has been so-so the last few months, and we haven’t really seen each other lately so it will be nice. (My mom has a broken arm, my grandma had knee surgery.)

Breakfast today was a bowl of oats with banana and almond butter. I will not be joining in on the bagel fun at my grandma’s, but I may enjoy a bowl of real cereal later today, as I have stuck 100% clean for almost 3 weeks straight now and a bowl of cereal might hit the spot. We will see though, because I have been telling myself that I can have that bowl of cereal for the last 3 days and I haven’t even wanted it, so Who know!!

Hope everyone else is doing well and have a great day!


Sorry for the lack of posting!! It’s finals week, so I’ve been studying(a.k.a going to the lake, working out, and avoiding school at all costs.) But things have been going great! My brother got home yesterday and is back at work with my dad and seems to be doing pretty well. We just have to keep a good eye on him.

Reese was asking me about my carb intake. Generally, I try to stay around 200, but that rarely happens. My body responds best to a high protein, moderate carb, low fat diet. I usually end up eating about 180 g protein, 250g carbs, and 25 g. fat. I also cycle carbs though, so some days i will have 250 and other days more like 100. It all evens out and I am still losing fat. I know that I am way too low with the fats and should swap some of the carb calories with fat calories but its hard for me to do. It is something I have been working on. When I start my lean-down diet (7 weeks out from my show) My carb intake will be much different. For now though, this is what works.

Today after boxing, i was dragging ass into the weight room. I was trying to talk myself out of doing weight training. (“If i skip today i can just finish my weight split saturday…..maybe i will just do biceps today….blah blah blah”) Finally I looked in the mirror and said to myself STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH AND DO IT. I ended up getting a GREAT shoulder/bicep workout. Absolutely smashed my muscles! It was great. Afterwards I got in my hour of cardio on the treadmill and I feel awesome. A few finals today, one more tomorrow and I’M DONE!!!!

Can’t wait!

strawberry fields forever

So remember how I used to be addicted to apples? Eating like 10 a day? Well I’m past that….and now its strawberrys!!! Those 4 pound boxes barely last me two days!!! Ahh I’m going to turn into a strawberryyyy

you can’t break this!!!

this was last august in california…oldest brother, dad, and little brother holding me up haha… brother was about 210 pounds(on the right)…he is now 171 pounds. i know he can pull through this….you just can’t break this family!!! go ahead and try but it won’t happen!! 🙂

quick post

Hey guys don’t have much time but wanted to get a post in! This morning boxing was great! It left me d.e.a.d. I was going to do legs afterwards, but decided I wouldn’t get a great leg workout today so I did triceps instead. It was a pretty good workout, and legs will be done tomorrow with my trainer to ensure a paralyzing workout 🙂

Finished up with an hour on the treadmill. 45 minutes incline walking, and i mixed up the last 15 minutes with backwards incline walking(i always get weird looks for doing this but its great for the quads!), and some jogging.

Food today has been boring: Egg whites, oats, almond butter, 1/2 banana, 2 apples, 23904823 strawberries(like 70 of them..not kidding i counted.) 2 oikos plain 0%, grapefruit

That has been since I woke up at 530 this morning ha NOT all at one time. I ate a ton of veggies yesterday (2 bags of asparagus) so i wasn’t in the mood this morning, but i will be getting them in after my first final today and then at dinner as well. Egg whites and asparagus has been my go-to dinner lately. 2 full cups of egg whites(which is like 8 egg whites) and a whole bag of asparagus(45 calories total…vegetables are like God’s gift to can eat and eat and eat and the calories just DONT add up haha)

My brother is doing much better. We visited him last night and also had a family meeting with a counselor there. We expressed our concerns and from what he says, he doesn’t ever want to get back into that and doesn’t want to be around those people. I can only pray that he is being sincere and not just telling us what we want to here. I also pray that the effects of the hell-hole he is living in right now has lasting effects so that he will not want to get back into the drugs. This whole experience has shown how close my family really is. We all have pulled together and would do anything for eachother and I am SO grateful to have a family like that. Although this is a terrible time for us, it has been nice to be able to be with everyone so much. My family is the best, even though we are as disfunctional as they come(seriously i can’t even begin to explain the messed up things that have gone on in my family…addictions, violence, addictions, ADDICTIONS..) but we always seem to pull together and get through it all. We are strong people and I know that my brother can fight through this. He seems very optimistic about going to the NA meetings and all of the IOP meetings. Thanks again for everyones prayers and wishes. They are appreciated MORE than i can express here!!!

jump start

For those of you struggling lately, the Fitnessista has a great program starting! Check it out!

I am on the treadmill doing my incline walk. No ipod no headphones just my trusty blackberry. 33 minutes to go! Post some entries so I have something to read haha


Thank you EVERYONE for the prayers and warm wishes. I visited my brother again yesterday and he is doing MUCH better.(Also on a lot more medication i believe, but better, regardless.) We brought him some books and games because they literally have nothing to do there. He was in much better spirits and he proved to me just how strong he was. Saturday night when we visited him, he was begging for us to take him out of there and crying and hugging us and holding us. Sunday when we were there, he was upbeat(as much as he could be in that situation) and joking around with us. I said “Ben, you seem like your doing okay in here now…..” and he said “Well, I realized I am going to have to be here, so I might as well make the best of it.” That is so inspiring to me, because I try to live my life in that way. Making the best of any circumstances. We got that from our mom. She is a person who, although she struggles with her own addictions and problems, can make anyone laugh when they are sad or upset. She can bring the best out of ANY situation. For example…a few years ago when my dog died, she had to call my sister to tell her…the conversation went like this…..

Mom: “Hi Rachel, I just wanted to let you know that we had to put Rocky to sleep today….”
Rachel: “Oh my gosh (sobbing)…etc.etc.(you get the point..)”
Mom: “But don’t worry, he left you a million dollars in his will!”

Anyways, I am really proud of my brother and I know he will get through this. I just have to pray that he won’t relapse. I think and hope he is smarter than that.

As far as food, I have actually been eating like my normal self through all this. I didn’t have the desire to eat crappy foods and I handled my stress well. Saturday I didn’t work out because we were at the hospital all day, but yesterday I did get a hike in and some volleyball. Today will be back and abs with an hour of cardio! Sounds delish.

Have a good day!

Hardest thing of my life.

We brought my brother to detox today. He seemed okay about it and we were with him until they admitted him.

Around 5pm we got a call saying that he was crying hysterically and really wanted to see us. Visiting hours were from 6-7pm so we hustled down there. My baby brother(who is 6’2 and 180 pounds) was cradled on the bed crying his eyes out. Begging us to take him out of there. You could hear in his voice and see in his eyes how scared he was. The withdrawals were so terrible. If you know my little brother, he is NOT a drug addict. He is the funniest guy you could imagine, a SMART kid(he has been working by choice since he was 12….he was the manager of a pizza parlor until age 14, then became the desk manager at the JCC and recently has been my dad’s executive assistant). He is not some shady punk who is whacked out of his mind.

I know that he felt like this addiction had taken over him and that is why he asked for the help. It was just so hard seeing him there as he clenched onto our arms and hugged us. All i could do was tell him how strong he was for being there and how much i love him. I am VERY close with my siblings and especially my little brother(i also have an older brother and sister). He is my back bone. We have always been so close and this is just really hard for me. I can’t stop thinking about him and i just hope he isn’t in pain. I hope he is able to sleep tonight and that he will make it through the next few days of detox. I hope that you can all pray with me that he will be okay, I love him so much and want him to be clean and healthy.

Thanks for listening to the rambling, i just really needed to get it out.

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