Crazy weekend!
Hey guys!! Sorry i haven’t posted in a few days! I have been super a good way though!
Friday’s workout was shoulders! I had a really awesome workout and then did an hour on the treadmill walking on a 15% incline at 3.3 mph. I then had to race to school to take a test(which i don’t think i did too well on, but oh well.)
The rest of friday I was the taxi driver. I had to pick up my little brother from my dad’s office and drive him to pick up a laptop and then drive him home. Then i went to my best friend Taylor’s house and hung with her until it was time to pick up my older brother from the airport. The airport was CrazyYYY busy, but it all worked out fine. My older sister, older brother, and sister’s boyfriend all decided to go to a bar and hang out with some of my sister’s friends. It was a really fun sibling night!(Love that i can go out with them now!!!)
Saturday morning I woke up, and picked up my older brother from my sister’s condo and we went to a Vinyasa yoga class. It was pretty good, but not up to his standards(he does a lot of yoga at a nice studio in LA….our Scottsdale JCC couldn’t compete LOL) We then went to whole foods and got some veggies and he cooked us some veggies.(He is also very health concious…i hate that he lives in LA and not here!! I of course had my egg whites with the veggies hehe)
After lunch, we went and hiked Camelback mountain. Really challenging but fun! And then i had about an HOUR to get ready to go to Celebrity Fight Night. My dad is a special advisor and video producer of the event so we go every year. It was so fun! I got to meet Michael Phelps and John Corbet!(pictures to come of course!!)
Eats have been AWESOME this weekend and i have stuck to my guns and not cheated on my diet. I am feeeling very happy and good about this. Since I will be going to Vegas on Friday morning, my weekend next weekend is Friday-Saturday(instead of Saturday-Sunday) so I am going to do Monday’s workout today, Tuesday’s workout tomorrow, etc.
I will be also playing some volleyball today! Should be a good one.
This morning for breakfast: 1/2 cup egg whites; 1/4 cup of oats topped with a banana, 1 TBSP almond butter, and some blueberries; and a grapefruit.
Have a good rest of the weekend bloggies!!
Rock ON Sista!! You are killing it!! Keep it up!! WOOT!!