Tag Archive for supersets

Manic Monday & Back Workout!

Woahhhhhhhh. Somehow when I woke up on Monday, I just knew it was going to be “one of those days.” I even took the proper precautions and got my HIIT done in the morning so that I’d be better prepared for a shit storm. It didn’t turn out to be as bad as I thought, but to say it was stressful would be an understatement. A 12 hour Monday is a lot to take in when you still have four more days in the week! Oh well, hopefully I got the hard stuff out of the way.

This little girl definitely helped cheer things up. Isn’t she the cutest?

Even still, I was able to get in a pretty good back/biceps/abs workout. I threw in the abs just because. I rarely do abs (usually only when someone tricks me into it) but thought it would be good to start doing them here and there. 😀 I use and engage my abs during basically every exercise I do, which is why I don’t typically do specific exercises for them, but it certainly is something I should do more of!

This was short and sweet, just the way I like it. I SOOO prefer to do supersets and work my ass off for 30-40 minutes as opposed to longer workouts with long rest periods. Of course, when I’m lifting heavier, I need the longer rests, but if I’m doing slightly higher reps, screw the rest time! I’m too impatient! Here’s what I did:

Back/Bis/Ab Workout

Superset #1: (bw=bodyweight)

Chin Ups:

Set 1 – bw x 5, Set 2 – bw x 4, Set 3 – bw x 4

Hanging Leg Raise

Set 1 – bw x 12, Set 2 – bw x 12, Set 3 – bw x 12

Superset #2:

Lat Pulldown (double pulley)

Set 1 – 35 x 15, Set 2 – 35 x 15, Set 3 – 35 x 15

EZ Bar Curl

Set 1 – 40 x 12, Set 2 – 40 x 12, Set 3 – 40 x 10

Superset #3:

One Arm Cable Row (using seated row cable)

Set 1 – 25 x 15, Set 2 – 25 x 15, Set 3 – 25 x 15

DB Hammer Curl

Set 1 – 15 x 15, Set 2 – 17.5 x 10, Set 3 – 17.5 x 10


Opposite Hand to Foot Full Sit Ups

Set 1- bw x 20, Set 2 – bw x 20

This workout was good! The chin ups always get me. I was surprised that I did 5 in a row! I haven’t done them in a few weeks and was worried I wouldn’t be able to do them at all. 😀

pull up pic

(Me doing pull ups a few months ago)

I’m planning on hitting legs today, and specifically deadlifting. I feel like I’ve been focusing on squats a TON lately (because I’m trying to get better at them) and I’ve neglected the deadlifts a bit.

I just have to say, while I’ve been squatting for years, a few months ago I decided to focus on going heavier with better form. I always shied away from heavy squats because I wasn’t good at them, and many moons ago, I sort of injured my back by going too heavy too soon. I was new to lifting and just didn’t give myself ample time to work up to heavier weights. It kind of freaked me out a bit and so I just kept my weights fairly light and never went too heavy throughout the years. I wanted to start working on heavier weights and really just decided to start from the beginning. I started with the weight I was comfortable with and just practiced. Each time I’d do squats, I’d add a little bit more weight. I wouldn’t go any heavier until I was hitting below parallel and in good form. Once I mastered that weight, I’d up the weights just a touch more. I’ve been doing this for the last few months and HOLY COW my butt has lifted! I started noticing it a few weeks ago and it’s pretty awesome. I’m able to go heavier than I have in years, I squat below parallel, and my butt is looking amazing. Who’da thought?

The moral of the story? SQUAT. HEAVY. A LOT.


Anyways, that’s all I’ve got. I’m getting ready to crack away at Tuesday’s to-do list and then get my legs-a-movin’! Have a wonderful Tuesday friends!

My Weekend and Workouts to Try!


Good morning friends! Here’s to a great and productive week!

I had a pretty great weekend. It was a mix of work/relaxation, but that was just what needed to happen. I have a lot on my plate and sometimes taking a Saturday to get some work done makes me much less stressed out. I have a hard time taking a break when there is SO much to do. Hoping this lightens my week a bit.

Even still, I was able to get a lot of work done and STILL just relax.

Listen to this! Friday night, as we were driving home from our friend’s house, we saw this:


This was a CRAZY fire with tons of explosions. I was freaking out. They finally got it under control, but holy cow it was massive! That is definitely the biggest fire I’ve ever seen. I have a new respect for fire fighters for SURE. I was about a 1/2 mile away from this and it was scary even from afar. I can’t imagine having to go right into it! Thankfully, I don’t think anyone was hurt.


Last week’s workouts: 

Wednesday: Since Tuesday was spent filming, I took it a bit easy on Wednesday. I walked on the treadmill for about 20 minutes just to shake my muscles out. I was pretty sore and tired, but it felt good to move a little bit. Sneak peek below!

push up

Thursday: I was planning to take a boxing class, but things changed and I ended up just doing a full body workout. I felt REALLY GOOD in this workout. I ended up doing supersets of the following:

-Deadlifts & Chin Ups (4 supersets and 1 extra set of deadlifts)

-DB Shoulder Press & KB Swings (3 supersets)

-DB Step Ups & Jumping Step Ups (one leg at a time, meaning I did 15 DB step ups and went right into 15 Jumping step ups before moving on to my other leg. It is definitely a leg BURNER) (2 supersets)

Friday: Crossfit- We’re prepping to do Murph at the end of the month, so the workout we did was geared towards working up to that. We did:

20 min. AMRAP

400m Run

10 Pull Ups

20 Push Ups

30 Squats

I made it through 2 rounds and 5 additional pull ups. Killer!!!

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Chest & Legs w/ Charlie

We did:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 reps

KB Goblet Squats

KB Swings

Barbell Bench Press

It was a great workout and took us exactly 32 minutes!

Fitness Plan for May 5 – May 11

Today: Bouldering + HIIT

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: Full Body Heavy Lift

Thursday: Bouldering

Friday: Filming Workouts again…

Saturday: REST

Sunday: Hike

As always, that’s the plan, but we will see how the week goes!

When it comes to fitness, what do you consider yourself?

Beginner? Moderate Fitness? Fitness Freak? Athlete?

I train with the mindset of an athlete, but in reality, I’m probably at a moderate to advanced fitness level. I know this, but keeping the athlete mindset definitely helps me push myself.  




Workouts & Listening To My Body

Good morning! I hope you’re all having a wonderful week! We’re more than half way through, and the weekend is coming shortly!


This week has been a whirlwind! I took yesterday pretty easy because my body was exhausted and a bit sore.

Here’s a recap of my workouts so far this week:

On Monday, I did a 15 minute HIIT workout in the early part of the day. It was nice to get that out of the way. It may only be 15 minutes, but it gets you SWEATIN’!!! In the afternoon, I did a heavy lifting session.

For my heavy lifting sessions, I typically like to do a set of: 15, 12, 10, 8, 6. Basically, I combine my warm-up (15 and 12 rep sets) and my heavy sets (10, 8, 6 rep sets). This helps me get into the lift and get my muscles ready for the heavier weights. I did:



Chin Ups

DB Military Press

Pull Ups

For the chin ups and pull ups, I just do sets of 2-3. That’s about where I’m at strength-wise right now, so I just work on trying to get just 1 more rep in the beginning of the workout. (Hoping to get 5 reps by the end of the week!!!)

After my lift, I headed to the rock climbing gym for some climbing. They are doing construction on the bouldering area  right now, so I actually harnessed in and climbed the walls with the rope. I forgot how long you’re on the wall! Holy endurance!!! My forearms are a bit sore from that.

Tuesday evening, Charlie and I headed to the gym for a full body workout. I was pretty sore from Monday, but when Charlie wants to work out, I take advantage! I snuck in a 15 min. HIIT before the workout as well. We did the following supersets:

Super Set #1

DB Bench Press + Chest Fly

KB Swings

Super Set #2

Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges

Hanging Leg Raises

Super Set #3

DB Windmills

Swiss Ball Dead Bugs

Needless to say, my body is a bit exhausted. I took yesterday to relax, walk a bit to stretch my legs, catch up on some writing, and worked. I like to stay moving when I’m sore to try to get the blood flowing, hence the short walks throughout the day. Stretching, walking, light moving in general, tend to help with DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

I think it is very important to listen to your body. While I had a CrossFit workout on my agenda for Wednesday, I knew that my body needed a little break. I pushed the workout until today at lunch and hopefully resting yesterday will give me some energy and muscle recovery for it today.

Question of the day:

What do you do when you have a tough workout planned and your body just ain’t havin’ it?!

I just started watching Dexter. OMG Where have I been?! Any other awesome shows I’m TOTALLY missing out on?!