Tag Archive for protien powder recipes

Cinnamon Bun Protein Pancake!

Hey peeps! Happy Friday to all! I’m currently on the road to AZ for the weekend. Can’t wait to see my family and get dressed up for a super snazzy event! (pictures to come).

I was recently contacted by DailyBurn to share one of my favorite ways to fuel up using protein powder. As most of you know, I like to eat real foods most of the time, but I do enjoy a protein shake or protein pancake once a day after my workout, for breakfast, or on-the-go.

One of my go-to’s lately has been this super simple protein pancake. I throw it together in just a few seconds, and BAM it’s ready to eat. I eat this after a workout, as part of my breakfast, or if I’m running out the door and don’t have time to make something. It curbs my hunger, helps my muscles recover after a hard workout, and tastes delicious too! What’s not to like?

Cinnamon Bun Protein Pancake

-1 scoop vanilla or cinnamon flavored protein powder ( I use Slap Nutrition, but if you’d like a vegan protein option, try Fuel-6 Vanilla)

-1/2 cup egg whites

-Water (just enough to moisten the protein powder to a paste-like texture)

-Cinnamon to taste

-1/2 packet Stevia

-Blender Bottle


1. The blender bottle is key! It can be hard to mix the ingredients, so I throw it all in a blender bottle and shake it up really well.


2. Set your pan to low-medium heat, pour the mixture into the pan, and wait until you see the little bubbles in your pancake (just like regular pancakes!). When you start to see them, it’s time to flip it. Once you flip it, only leave it for about 30-45 seconds so that you don’t overcook it.


3. Enjoy!

IMG_7376(Okay, so it’s not pretty…but who cares as long as it tastes good, right?!)