Tag Archive for motivation

Why I Write My Workouts Down {Monday Motivation}

Happy Monday people!!

I love Mondays! They are even better when I get my ass outta bed and get a workout in first thing in the morning. It is always soooo hard to get out of bed to do it (I hit snooze at least 6 times every Monday), but when I’m finished with the workout, I feel ready to take on the day.

This morning, I got up and headed to the track for a little something different. Last night, I wrote down what my workout would be (as I always do), so that I could just get up, throw on workout clothes and shoes, and just start doing.

Here’s what I did:

20 minute workoutMy goal was to do about 20 minutes of work, and I was in and out of there in 25 minutes (including my warm-up).

Brain Dump

I think I was on my 3rd or 4th bleacher when I started thinking about how f*&*ing hard this workout was and how much my legs were dying. This propelled me to start thinking about what i would do if I had just decided to “wing” my workout. I probably would have settled at 5 bleachers (because it was plenty) and gone home.

Since I had written out my workout beforehand, I knew that I had slated myself to do 10 bleachers, so I wasn’t going to quit until those 10 were done. (barring any injuries or my body being LITERALLY done).

It reminded me of the importance of having a plan. If you walk in without a plan, you’ll do as much as you can, work until it gets hard, and then probably go home.  Without a plan, it’s easier to talk yourself into just finishing when you feel like it. If you finish when you feel like it, it’s usually before you’ve really hit that hard sticking point. It’s that point when you want to quit and be done. Some days, that’s okay and I do believe in listening to your body, but if you’re trying to really make changes and achieve goals, quitting when you feel like it just won’t cut it. You need to push past the sticking point to really see progress. (at least that’s my opinion, others will have their own I’m sure).

If you go in with a plan, you’re more likely to stick to that plan. You’ll do those last few reps you thought you couldn’t do, and finish the final sets you didn’t think you could do, much like I did today at the track.

IMG_7079I hobbled away from the track today with my legs visibly shaking, but I completed the workout that I set for myself. It feels really good to want to quit, but to then push through and finish strong. I knew today would be a good day because of it.

Your Turn

I challenge you to start planning your workouts. Even if that means writing it in your car before you walk into the gym (which I do allllll the time), just set a goal for yourself, and complete that goal.

As always, check with a doctor before starting any new workout program and listen to your body. Learn the difference between pushing through a sticking point and pushing TOO hard. There is a difference and the more you workout, the more you’ll start to learn when to quit and when to push through.

Post-Track Workout Face

Post-Track Workout Face


1. Do you plan your workouts or just wing it?

2. Do you feel like you push through your “sticking point” or do you usually quit at that point?

Stop Saying You CAN’T…

There’s so much I have to say about this topic, so I’m just going to ramble through it and hopefully you get something out of it.

Saying I can’t…

We all do it. All of us. I’m the type of person that tries not to set limits for myself, and I do truly believe that I can do anything I put my mind to, but I STILL find myself, at times, saying…I CAN’T.

Oddly enough, the most often setting that I use those words happens to be when I’m working out.

“I can’t lift that much weight”

“I can’t run that fast”

“I can’t jump that high”

I try not to do it, but i totally do. It’s a hard habit to break and sometimes it can be really hard to believe that you CAN do something.

Now, before you go step in front of a 10 foot plyo box and try to jump on it from a dead stance….let me make it clear that I’m talking about realistic things here haha….so don’t go around saying that “Lizzy said I could do anything i put my mind to so I’m going to somehow get magical powers and jump on top of this monstrosity”. I’m talking about the things you truly CAN do, but may think you cannot. Now that we’re clear, let’s keep moving…

Why We Can’t

SO, why “can’t” we do things?

The #1 reason we can’t do things is because we get stuck in our own damn heads. If you can’t get past your head, you’re screwed. That thing you want to do, can’t happen. You will be unable to do that thing because your head won’t even allow you to try. You’ve told yourself you can’t, and your body and brain will follow that.  It’s just like Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or cannot, you are right.”

We tell ourselves that we can’t all the time. We stay in our comfort zones and do what we KNOW we can do.  Why? Because this way, it’s harder to fail. Failing sucks. It really, really, really SUCKS!! Sometimes it hurts physically (hello dent in my shin from “missing” a step on the bleachers), sometimes it’s just flat out embarassing, and no matter what, it makes you feel shitty. Isn’t it so much better when you do things you know you can do and accomplish them??

Well, yes and no.

Of course, it does feel good to accomplish things you know you can do….. but when you do something you originally thought you couldn’t do…and then you actually DO IT….

Holy fuck balls….THAT feels good. It feels like you’re high on drugs…it feels like you are floating on a cloud…like you can walk on water (although I don’t recommend trying that). It’s absolutely one of the best feelings in the world.

So I’m here to explain to you why you CAN. And how to get OUT of your head.

The Gray Area

When I lived in Arizona, I trained with an old power lifter guru genius type guy named Karl. We used to call him God because he was the healer and knower of everything when it came to the body. Your back hurts? He could fix it. Your legs are sore? He’ll roll them out with a PVC pipe until you cry…and until they feel better. You can’t add weight to your back squat or deadlift?….Karl fixed this too.

My experience with Karl was extremely impactful. I remember very clearly when I first started training with him.  I was always telling him what I could and couldn’t do. I think he got really sick of it, and one day he decided to do something about it.

He took me to a decline leg press and loaded it up with more plates than I could count. I looked at him for a few seconds and finally asked “are you serious?” He wasn’t smiling..he wasn’t joking…he looked at me and said “yes…now let’s do this.”

At first, I thought for sure he was just messing with me. I explained to him, once again, that there was no way on earth that I’d be able to complete even 1 rep with that weight. His response to me was “so what? try it.”

I was freaking out thinking what if I get stuck??? What will I do then??

I still felt like he was off his rocker, but when God tells you to do something, I guess you do it.

I put my feet up, lifted off, got to the bottom and sure enough, I couldn’t move. The panic set in and I looked at Karl with a look of complete and utter terror. He just sat there smiling at me and said “just let the weight go all the way down.”

WHAT? I’m going to get stuck!! (meanwhile, I’m holding up 2349083 pounds and sweating, unable to move.) Again, he said: Just let the weight go.

And so slowly, i let my knees press into my chest, as the weight went down. And suddenly, the only pressure was my knees against my chest. And the weight was quietly resting at the bottom of the leg press.

And I was fine.

I didn’t die.

I didn’t get hurt.

I didn’t get stuck.

This was my first lesson in breaking through the gray matter in my head. The gray matter… the stuff in your head that holds you back from trying, in fear of failure.

Lesson 2 came a few days later in the squat rack. He did the same thing. He set up the safety bars, loaded the bar up with more weight than I’d ever done, and told me to squat. Now, Karl knows me and knew I had good enough form and instinct that I could handle this test, and that if i couldn’t do the weight, I’d be able to get out of it unharmed. KARL KNEW THIS…but I didn’t.

Once again, I put the weight on my back, squatted down as low as I could go, tried to get back up, and NOPE. Not moving. My legs started shaking, my heart was pounding and I was looking at Karl in hopes that he would save me.

Again, he looked at me and just told me to get all the way to the floor and let the safety bars hold the weight. I did…and sat on the ground, the weight off my back and on the safety bars.

Once again,

I didn’t die

I didn’t get hurt

i didn’t get stuck.

These two lessons were soooo important in my growth as a weight lifter. I was stuck in a bubble of telling myself what I could and could not do. And while Karl was purposefully giving me weights that I could NOT do, he was teaching me that it didn’t hurt me to try. His lessons showed me that if I could just get past the gray matter in my head, and TRY to do the things that scared me, I could do them. My squat weight went up in a huge way from that point on. I went from thinking 95lbs was my max, to squatting 135 just the next week. I could only do 1 rep at that point, but I could still do it. This was about 5 years ago now, and these lessons are still something that hold true to me to this day.

A few weeks ago, I squatted 185 and deadlifted 225. Those were weights that I NEVER thought i could get to. But every week, i try to do a little bit more. Sometimes I fail and it SUCKS BALLS…but it also lights a fire in me. I remember failing at 165 several weeks ago and immediately wanting to do everything I could to break through that and squat more weight. 5 years ago, I would have just stopped and stuck to lighter weight, thinking that was all I could do….but now? Now I know that isn’t true. Now I know that if I just put in the effort day in and day out, the results will come.

I would estimate that about 75% of not being able to do something, is likely because of you. It’s most likely because you’ve told yourself that you can’t do it. This could mean that you don’t try, or it could mean that you give a little bit of effort, but give up after a while because you just don’t think you can do something.

If you can just get past that gray matter…if you can just start to try a little more, a little harder….you might be surprised at what you actually CAN do.

Now, I’m definitely not saying to go get yourself stuck in a squat rack, but I’m telling you to do a little more than you thought you could do, each time you try. This doesn’t just go for weight lifting. This goes for LIFE in general.

Whether you’re trying to start a business, get a promotion, or just lift heavier weights, do something every day to try to get a little bit better. The big goals that you don’t think you can achieve are successfully reached by the small goals that you work on day in and day out.

Start thinking with an I CAN attitude…remind yourself of the gray matter in your head, and BREAK THROUGH IT.

Your life will be infinitely better when you do.

Baby Shower Fun + Nutrition & Workout Update

Hey Friends!

How’s your Monday going so far? Mine is going well…just working away!

I got up this morning and did sprints on the treadmill. I was seriously dragging this morning and was texting my girl Maggie to send me motivational quotes to help me through. She had some real words of wisdom haha!


In the end, the thought of coffee got me through. It’s funny how 20 minutes can seem so daunting at the same time. Whatever, I did it!!



This weekend, Charlie and I attended a baby shower for my old boss. It was quite the extravagant party, and it was really good to see my old co-workers. I miss them and the family!!

Baby shower fun!

We posted this picture up on Facebook and immediately realized that everyone thought WE were pregnant. Just to be clear, this is our only child…

Asked him to come lay down WITH me. He decided to lay ON me instead.The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. We did a chest/plyo workout on Sunday, but other than that it was naps for me and work for Charlie.

Nutrition Update:

So far, I’m loving working with Sohee as far as my nutrition goes. It’s nice to be eating on a fat loss plan without being constrained to chicken, vegetables, and brown rice. I love those things and eat them almost daily, but I also eat candy and chicken sausage and Kombucha on the daily. It all fits in the plan, and that is awesome. 😀 I’m feeling good!

Workout Plan for the Week:

Monday: 20 min. HIIT (done) +  Shoulders

Tuesday: Legs

Wednesday: Back & Abs

Thursday: HIIT + Chest

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Full Body

That’s the plan, but as always, I’ll change things up if I need to. It all depends on my soreness and energy levels. I always try to make the best decision for that day, so it’s hard to say for sure.

Hope everyone is having a great start to the week! I’ll be back tomorrow!

Battling the Snack Monster: Snack Ideas

If you’re human, it’s pretty likely that even with the best efforts set forth, the snack monster can come at any time. It happens to me, too. And it can be a real bitch.

You’ve planned out your meals, maybe even packaged them up for work, and then it hits….

the Snack Monster.

Last week was definitely one of those weeks for me. I was stressed, it was cold & rainy for a few days, and I just wanted to snack all.the.time.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t handle the Snack Monster all that well this week. Which by the weekend, left me feeling pretty snacked out and ready to get back to regularly scheduled eating.

It also got me thinking about what I could have done, in hindsight, to combat the Snack Monster. With the holiday season in full force, and food literally at every corner we turn, it becomes more and more difficult to refrain from eating allthefood. But if we DO hold back a bit, we’ll probably be much happier with ourselves when we step into the New Year. Of course, if you gain a little weight during the holidays, don’t sweat it, but it’s much easier to maintain weight than it is to lose it, so let’s combat what we can right here and now!

Most of the time, these are some of the snacks I eat when the Monster hits.

Battling the Snack Monster: Healthy Snack Ideas

  • Apple with a Tablespoon of Natural Peanut or Almond Butter


  • Strawberries dipped in Non-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt


  • Carrots dipped in Hummus


  • Small handful of Salted Almonds


  • Grapefruit or Orange Slices


  • Sliced Bell Peppers with Avocado on top sprinkled with Salt & Pepper


  • Plain Popped Popcorn


  • Chopped Cucumber, Tomatoes, and Avocado with Balsamic Vinegar, Pepper, Salt, and Cilantro


  • Ants on a Log: Celery with Natural Peanut Butter and Raisins or Chocolate Chips


  • Small Handful of Almonds and Chocolate Chips

almondmixcupThe options are endless, but keeping vegetables, fruit, and healthy fats high on the list of options will help to get you through. It’s a snack, so you shouldn’t be eating to get “full” but rather to feel “satisfied”.  Portion out your snack before you start eating so that you don’t go overboard.

Question of the Day

What are some healthy snack options that you use when the Snack Monster hits?

We did it! Final No Added Sugar/Fake Sugar Challenge Update! {DAY 30}

This is what I woke up to today:

funnyoscarHaha, good morning to you too Oscar!

Final No Added Sugar/Fake Sugar Challenge Update

We’re still going strong. Today is officially Day 30!!! We decided to extend the challenge to the day we leave for Arizona, but technically, this is the final day of the 30 day challenge and will conclude my updates for the challenge!!! (You can find the others here, here, here, here, and here)

Feelings: I feel really good. I’ve said this before, but I feel better than I have in a long time. My head is clear and I don’t feel intense hunger pangs like I used to. I’m usually pretty even keeled when it comes to hunger and I don’t need to eat being satiety.

Cravings: It’s strange, actually. I’m not necessarily craving any one thing. I look at cookies and go “meh”. Same thing with cakes, candy, etc. At the same time, I do feel like I’m missing something. Like there is something out there that I am craving, but I can’t figure out what it is. Never thought I’d say that!

Body: As you can see, I lost a lot of fluff off of my stomach through this challenge. I cut out diet soda and the minocycline I used to put in my coffee. Those were the hardest to cut out, but have made a huge impact on my body, in my opinion.

Final Thoughts

This challenge was definitely one of the most eye-opening challenges I’ve ever done. It’s amazing how much sugar is added to so many foods and sauces that you wouldn’t even imagine could have sugar. Avoiding it was tough at times, but since I eat pretty basic foods anyways, it didn’t throw me for too much of a loop. Someone that has a diet including lots of processed foods would likely have a much bigger change in what they could/couldn’t eat. The biggest change for us was that we couldn’t really go out to eat anywhere. Since we didn’t know what ingredients were in the foods, it was tough to go out. We were able to have Chipotle (certain items) and eggs/potatoes at our local breakfast joint, but other than that, we basically ate at home or brought food with us.

It was interesting to see the different stages that Charlie and I went through.

The 2nd day of the challenge, I had a huge headache. The kind of headache you get when you don’t drink caffeine for a few days. It was definitely a withdrawal from either regular sugar or fake sugars. My guess is fake sugars because of how much I was consuming.

The next weird thing happened about 2 weeks into the challenge and was something that both Charlie and I experienced: insatiable stomachs. No matter how much we ate, it always seemed that we were still hungry. There was a day that both of us ate almost constantly throughout the day and by the evening, were still not full. It was very odd. We aren’t sure exactly what that was, but likely a result of sugar cravings that weren’t being satiated.

The last week of the challenge has been the easiest. I actually don’t feel like I miss sugar all that much. The thought of sweet treats and desserts kind of hurts my teeth. I have no interest in diet soda (and am glad to rid that habit), and Splenda is a thing of the past. I’ll be sticking with stevia.

Thanksgiving will be an interesting day. I have a feeling that when we do ingest food with sugar, we’re going to feel it pretty quickly. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got sick from it. I’ll definitely make sure to report back about that.

We both plan to stick to this as much as we can going forward. We aren’t going to completely cut sugar out of our lives, but we are going to avoid it much of the time. We definitely aren’t going to go back to our old habits. The impact this has had on both of us is much greater than we expected and they are habits that we’d like to try to keep a majority of the time.

Favorite Things We Had to Cut Out


-Splenda in my coffee

-Diet Soda

-Coconut Ice Cream



-Reese’s PB Cups

-Haagen Daaz Ice Cream

-Starbucks Egg Sandwiches


-La Victoria Hot Sauce

-Weekly frozen yogurt date


-Most breads


progressI need to take a final photo, but I didn’t have time this morning. I’ll post that this week as well.

Question of the Day

1. If I hosted a 30 Day No Sugar Challenge, would you want to be a part of it?

2. What is your favorite dessert? Maybe this will spark my cravings a bit! LOL

My Weekend + Monday Thoughts {not sugar-coated}

Hey guys!

Anyone else feel like the weekend just slipped right past them? I remember it being Friday and then all the sudden I was waking up to an alarm on Monday.

Friday night Charlie and I took a boxing class at Iron Boxing. Once again, it was a TOUGH class and I was sweating actual 12 mm bullets by the end. (Ok, so maybe I’m over exaggerating. They were more like 9mm. Also, I know nothing about guns, so 12mm might not even make any sense and that’s a-ok with me! :-))

armsMy arms are also looking extra awesome lately. I think boxing is a HUGE part of that. Anytime I’ve done boxing for an extended period of time, my arms start to shape up pretty well. They’re still a work-in-progress, but I’m happy with the changes I’m seeing!

After boxing, we decided to go get massages (genius idea, by the way) and relax for the rest of the night. The massage hurt so good. He definitely got some of my knots out, but I still feel like there are about 4,000 more. Guess I should get another one. 🙂 We spent the rest of the night watching reruns of The Office. Michael Scott for President.

michaelscottSunday, we headed over to a bar to watch the Chief’s win! Go Chiefs! After the antihistamine-meds, we did a back/biceps workout at the gym and I filmed some workout videos for Charlie’s mom.

plankI spent the rest of the day working on my new e-book that’s coming out in a few weeks! It’s completely FREE to download. It is the first of several “Missions” I’ll be releasing. This first is Mission #1: 10 Day Sexy Slimdown. A 10 day plan designed specifically to jump start your body into losing fat & inches + working out! It includes 10 days of workouts, a full 10 day meal plan, a complete shopping list, and a full exercise demonstration guide. I’m so excited to release this to you all!

sexyslimdownRandom Thoughts for your Monday            {not sugar-coated}

I say not sugar-coated because I haven’t had any added sugar in 6 days! Today is Day 7 and I wanted to give you my thoughts so far. It’s only been a week, but the changes are fo’ real.

1. I don’t feel so bloated and full. I think Splenda & Aspartame were the real culprit here. As I mentioned, I used to have 2 Splendas in my coffee (and about 2 coffees per day) + 1-2 diet soda cans with dinner. Since giving that up, I don’t feel like I get so full and my stomach feels better overall.

2. My head seems clearer. Again, I think the fake sugars were the problem. I feel much more level-headed.

3. I don’t feel the extremes of fullness and hunger as much. This sort of ties in with #1, but I feel like in addition to not feeling super full, I never feel super hungry either. Sure, if I don’t eat all day like I accidentally did last Thursday, I get HANGRY, but I don’t feel like I get so “starving” in between meals like I used to.

4. I’m drinking way more water. I drink it all day long and all evening long. The only other beverage I’ve been drinking is coffee (sans-fake sugar) and Kombucha (it has pure lemon & raspberry juice, but no added sugar).

5. I feel determined. This could just be because I’m in a good place with my workouts and nutrition, and therefore feel more determined, but I do think that giving up some of the toxins in my life has helped me to be more motivated.

So that’s how I’m feeling so far! Things are getting easier as the days go on. Saturday was tough because I did really want something with sugar in it (besides fruit), but I persevered and it went away. (Imagine that.)

I will keep updating you guys on the No Added Sugar Challenge that Charlie and I are doing. I’m so excited to see what 30 days of this does, seeing as just 6 has already been eye-opening. I’ll have Charlie check in with a post this week as well so you guys can see what changes he is noticing.

Take care guys!

Questions of the Day

1. Have you ever given up added sugar?

2. Do you use fake sugars on the regular? If so, how often?

Wanting vs. Doing

Hey guys!

I can’t believe it’s already mid-week. Fuh-lyingggg by. I also thought it was Monday all day yesterday, so when I woke up and realized it was Wednesday, I just MAY have done a little happy dance.


I took a TOUGH boxing class last night at Iron Boxing Santa Monica and as I was leaving class, I started thinking about how many times I’ve wanted to skip boxing class and just go home and relax.

I know everyone thinks I’m the Energizer bunny and just want to workout all day long, but that’s far from the truth. Do I love working out? HELL YES. But that doesn’t mean I always want to do it. And I’d say that half the time (if not more!), I really would rather just go home and kick my feet up. If you asked the boxing instructors how often I walked into class feeling tired and like I’d rather be anywhere but there, they would start laughing. It happens like 75% of the time!! But I always get my butt to class. And I always stay.

metediboxThis got me thinking about Wanting vs. Doing. You don’t have to WANT to do what you’re doing, you just have to do it. That goes for so many things in life, but especially when it comes to working out. You KNOW you’re going to feel good when you’re done, and you KNOW it’s good for you. If you’re sitting around waiting for the motivation to hit, you’re wasting time. You don’t have to be motivated, you don’t have to “want” to do it, you just have to DO IT.

Some days will be easier than others. Some days you’ll be skipping into the gym (or am I the only one that still skips???), and some days you will flat out look like you want to just curl into a ball on the floor and suck your thumb. I’m not joking…I get that way…A LOT.

Yes, I love working out and YES, I love the way it makes me feel (for OH so many reasons). There is nothing quite like feeling strong, confident, and empowered. For me, the weight room makes me feel all of those things. I like to see new veins. I like to see my muscles pumped up. I like to push big weights around. THAT is what I think about when I just want to turn around and go home. I think about the results. I think about how I’ll feel afterwards. And I JUST FREAKING DO IT.

pull up picSide note: Of course, sometimes it is better to go home. Like if you’ve worked out 6 days in a row and your body feels like jello, GO HOME. But you know your body and you know the difference. If it’s just your mind not wanting to be there? Stop being a baby and just do it.

No Sugar for 30 Days + Weekly Workouts

Woah! 2 posts in one day!

Don’t get used to it. 😀 ….At least not now. Maybe someday!

I’m working away and getting ready for boxing tonight. I can’t wait! There’s nothing quite like the crack of hitting the mitts. Until then….

No Sugar for 30 Days

So Charlie read an article over the weekend about a family that stopped eating anything with added sugar for a year. They had amazing results in how they felt and Charlie said it was something he was interested in trying. When my man wants to do something healthy, I always jump on board. (I’m usually the one dragging him into this kind of thing!)

We decided that we want to test this out, so for the next 30 days, we’re going to completely give up any added sugar or fake sugar. This means natural sugar (like fruit) is okay, but any type of added sugar (sugar, corn syrup, Splenda, Sugar alcohols, etc.) is a no-go. Stevia IS allowed, but in moderation. I.e. I had a stevia in my coffee this morning, but not in my oatmeal (like I usually do). This also means I have to give up my beloved diet soda. I know, I know, that shit is terrible for you anyways, but I’m going to miss it!

So far, the first day went well. I’m really looking forward to seeing how this affects me mentally, physically, etc. I’m going to take some  pictures along the way to see if/how my body changes as well. I’ll be checking in here from time to time as well so you can see what I’ve noticed. We’ll finish up the challenge just in time for Thanksgiving so that we can fully enjoy desserts (cuz….I’m not givin’ that up!).

Anyone else feel like joining us in no sugar for 30 days? (leave a comment…we can support eachother!)

Workouts Week of Oct. 20th

Monday: 20 min. Stairmill + Shoulders/Chest

Photo on 10-20-14 at 6.40 PM #4(my shoulder pump was out of control last night!)

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: Legs

Thursday: Boxing + Back/Biceps

Friday: 20 min. Stairmill + Shoulders/Abs

Saturday: Full Body

Sunday: REST

Questions for the Day

Have you ever given up sugar? How did it make you feel?

Full Body Attack Workout + Video!

It’s THURSDAY….which means it’s almost FRIDAY….and that means the weekend is almost upon us. Can you tell I’m excited?

This week has been weird. I feel a little off and the pressure seems to be “on”. I know it will pass, but it’s definitely brought out the introvert in me. Hopefully all my friends and co-workers won’t hate me for being so stand-offish this week. 😀

Yesterday, I had a small window to workout and decided to make the most of it. I wrote the workout down and immediately knew it was going to be really tough and I wouldn’t be getting much rest (due to my time constraint). I went into my “mode” and just worked through it. Here’s what I did:

Full Body Attach - Untitled Page

This workout was tough! If you want to try it with some modifications, just leave a comment. 🙂

In other news, I may have mentioned that one of the trainers at my gym is entered into a competition to be Santa Monica’s Best Personal Trainer! We have a competition on October 18th, and I’m one of the people she’s training. We took some video the other day as a sneak-peek of what we’re doing. Video is below!

Well, that’s all I’ve got for today. Stay tuned Friday for the answers to my Ask Me Anything post! There’s still time to get some of your questions in. (And thank you to those that e-mailed me your questions! I’ll be answering those as well! :-))

Tuesday Ramblings

How’s everyone doing today?

I’m just sitting at home waiting for the pest control guy. Fun stuff! We’ve had a ridiculous ant problem for the last two weeks and we FINALLY got someone to come out and fix the problem. It’s been quite a nightmare. Let’s just say, I’m a pro ant-annihilator at this point. -_-

In other news, I found a new protein powder that I’m excited to try called SLAP. I actually ended up buying the entire stack of supplements, which is just L-Glutamine, Whey Isolate Protein Powder, and a Coffee Pre-Workout supplement. I was intrigued by the company because of the minimal and clean ingredients in all of their products. The protein powder is sweetened with Stevia (score!) and doesn’t have any artificial ingredients. I haven’t tasted it yet, but I’ll be sure to let you all know how it is!

photo 1photo 2

Workouts for the Week

I’m still super sore from Sunday’s Leg Insanity, but overall I’m feeling really good and still “on” my game!

Here are my workout plans for this week:

Monday: 20 min. HIIT + Chest/Triceps (DONE)

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: Legs + Bouldering (yup! Haven’t done that in a while!)

Thursday: Shoulders/Abs + Boxing

Friday: Full Body

Saturday: Back/Bi’s

Sunday: REST

Finally…I’m thinking about getting a Brazilian blow out. I NEVER feel like/have time to do my hair and it just ends up being kind of a mess. Anyone ever had one? I’ve heard the chemicals can be kind of harsh, so I’m curious. Let me know your experiences!

Questions of the Day:

1. What is your favorite protein powder?

2. Brazilian Blowout advice please!!!

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