Tag Archive for lean machine ale

Fitness Beer

Sayyyyy whaaaa?!?!?!? Yes, you read that right. Fitness Beer.

Let me back up. If you’ve read the blog for a while, you know that every few weeks I pop over to Springwise to see what the new gadgets and start-ups around the world are doing. This website is a combination of fascinating, sad, and confusing all at the same time. You will find really amazing start-ups that can change the world, and you will also find glasses that remind you to blink. Not joking. Hence the “scary” aspect.

Anyways, I was perusing Springwise yesterday afternoon and stumbled upon Fitness Beer.

lean machine

From the website:

Lean Machine is developed as a sport recovery, low calorie, FIT BEER. In Lean Machine ingredients, there aren’t a lot of useless sugars and stimulants in it. Each ingredient serves a specific purpose for a faster and more effective recovery. The Lean Machine ingredients can be broken down into four main groups:

■ Muscle recovery
■ Electrolyte replenishment
■ Anti-Oxidant
■ Immune system 

We like to refer to it as ‘Recovery Ale’. The concept is pretty straight forward.

My first thoughts were: whoooowhaaawhyyyyyNOOOO!!! I’m not a drinker, so this doesn’t appeal to me anyways, but I’m curious to know what you guys think! (and what the HECK does it taste like?!)

Sound off in the comments! Opinions! Thoughts! Questions!
