Tag Archive for knowledge

Underestimating Yourself + Weekend Fun

I am a resource.

I live and breathe health and fitness. And by that, I don’t mean that I am 100% healthy all the time or that I’m the fittest person on the planet. I mean that my world literally revolves around health and fitness. My jobs are all health and fitness related, I personally do my best to stay healthy and fit, and it happens to be what interests me most in this world. So when I say I live and breathe it, I mean it.

With that said, I tend to underestimate myself at times. Forgetting that I’ve been studying, learning, and DOing this “stuff” for almost 10 years. I still have plenty to learn, and am constantly challenging myself to learn more, but I DO know a lot and I tend to forget that sometimes. For me, it’s common knowledge. It’s no different to me than knowing my couch is black and tan. And sometimes I forget that it isn’t that obvious to most people. That is no fault of their own, and as long as they’re willing, I take those opportunities to teach.

I think a lot of us do this. We forget that what WE know is very valuable. Because it’s such a common knowledge in our world, we tend to underestimate what we have to share with others.

It’s the reason I started training clients again. I LOVE teaching others, I love showing them how they can achieve their goals, and it helps ME continuously learn, learn, learn. I’ve been training myself and learning from other world-renowned fitness professionals for YEARS, and now I’m getting to learn by training my own clients and learning it from a whole other perspective.

Because of this, I’ve started sharing more and more fitness tips that I think would be useful for others on Instagram and Facebook. Those things that I felt like “everyone knew”. And I urge you all to ask more questions. I’ve always been a curious person, and whenever I’m unsure, I always ask. Any of my trainers would tell you, I constantly had questions. “why am I doing this?, what does this do? Is this the best way to do it?” and then I would experiment on my own too. So all of this to say, USE ME. Ask me questions. Get my advice.

I’m HAPPY to share! You can e-mail me [email protected] or message me on Facebook! I’m always listening! (well, Charlie might say differently but…you know :-D)

I encourage you to stop underestimating yourself as well. Share your knowledge. Somebody (or a lottabodies out there might really need it!)

Ok, onto more exciting things…


This weekend, I taught boot camp, played baseball, and lounged. It was great! Instead of talking about it, here are some photos….

My #1 Fan!

My #1 Fan!


SO GOOD. Shrimp, avocado, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, garlic salt. THAT’S IT

IMG_9181 IMG_9150

Question of the Day:

1. Why do you do what you do? Whether it’s for work, a hobby, etc.