Tag Archive for fitfluential ambassador

Workouts & New FitFluential Ambassador

Hey Friends!

Hope your week is going well! I’m just over here working away. I love my jobs and what I do, but sometimes I think I’m doing so much that I forget to stop and smell the roses. It’s something I need to work on. I try to be as efficient as possible, which means that stopping to chat with someone for 5 minutes can be a bother. I just need a little more “Wuuusaaaaa” in my life. I’m going to put in the effort!


I’m extremely excited to announce that I’m an official FitFluential Ambassador!!! I got accepted last week while I was at the airport, and basically jumped for joy in the security line. FitFluential is such an amazing company and I’m so glad I get to be a part of it. Stay tuned for some fun posts!

Here’s video of some of the exercises I did during my hotel workout this past weekend. Small gyms don’t scare me! You can always make something up, you just have to get creative sometimes. (And I’m always happy to help you get creative…just ask!)

P.S. You can find more of my videos on my Instagram: @fitlizzio

Workouts for the Week:

Sunday: Hotel Gym Workout

Monday: 20 min. HIIT on the Stairmill (Funny story, I went to set this up and instead of 20 minutes at level 11, I accidentally hit 11 minutes at level 20. It actually took me 5 minutes to realize my mistake. I thought I had gotten really out of shape miraculously and couldn’t figure out why it was so hard haha!)

Tuesday: CrossFit Workout + Boxing

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Legs + Boxing

Friday: Shoulders + Chest

Saturday: Back

I’m going to be in the studio a lot this weekend, which means I won’t really get a weekend. It’s all good, I’ll be doing fun things, but I definitely need to make sure I pay attention to getting enough rest. I am a much more functional and pleasant person to be around when that happens! (Trust me, Charlie can attest LOL)

Have a great rest of your day!

Questions of the Day:

1. Have you ever set up a machine wrong and started wondering if you had gotten completely out of shape or vice versa?

2. Do you stop to smell the roses? Or are you like me and could probably be much better about it?