Tag Archive for coughing

Coughing Sucks and Workouts for the Week

Today starts the beginning of week 3 of boot camp, but I thought I’d recap the first two weeks of it.

These workouts are FUN! I’ve never worked out in a setting where partner work was such a big portion of it. Sure, I’ve worked out with other people or in groups, but you always went off and did your own thing. This is different because the work is done with a partner very often. I’m finding that this “i like to work out alone” girl is quite enjoying this change of pace!

Unfortunately, I’m battling a gnarly cough at the moment. It started with flu-like symptoms (minus the puking, thankfully) and by the 3rd day, the achiness had left and the coughing had begun. I’m on day 7 and really, cough, any day now would be a great one for you to get the hell out of here! Regardless, I’m still pushing through. Taking more rest days than I’m used to, but trucking along nonetheless.


boot camp day 3Doing abs after the workout Saturday

This week’s workout plan: 

Monday: Rest (coughing lungs up, no bueno)

Tuesday: 30 minutes of cardio; WBBC

Wednesday: Strength Train; Bouldering

Thursday: 30 minutes of cardio; WBBC

Friday: Strength Train; Bouldering

Saturday: WBBC

Sunday: Rest or Yoga?

I have a really hard time settling down for yoga. I just have never been able to get into it. Maybe it’s because I’m not good at it? Any tips to help me “find my center?” Everyone says its all about the teacher. I’ve tried several and while they’re great, it’s just not me. I like to run and jump and lift heavy things. But I do think it would be good for me. HELP!!