Workout Plan – Week of 4/7-4/13

This week is moving right along! Hope everyone made it through their Monday and is ready for a great Tuesday! I know I am.

Last night, I deviated from what I had planned to do for my workout. Original plan=climb and track workout. Actual=Leg Workout and 20 minutes on the stair mill. Total change right?! My day got busier than I thought it would be, so I knew the track wasn’t going to happen. I did a quick 20 minutes on the stair mill between meetings just to get my body moving and sweating, and then Charlie agreed to meet me for a workout in the evening. My upper body is a bit shot from Friday and Saturday’s workouts, so Leg day it was!

We did:

-4 Sets of Heavy Hip Thrusts 

-3 Sets of Burpee-DB Walking Lunge-Burpee combo (5 burpees, 10 DB walking lunges, 5 burpees, 10 DB walking lunges)

-3 Sets of Leg Press superset with Switch Jumps

It was a good one!

Here’s my tentative workout plan for this week!

I’ll be traveling on Thursday afternoon, so the weekend may be a bit sporadic. We shall see!

Tuesday: Boxing and Climbing

Wednesday: CrossFit

Thursday: Rest or something light before I travel

Friday: Full Body Workout

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Full Body Workout

Are you a “stick to the plan” type of person or do you do whatever you feel like/whatever fits?

I tend to be a bit of both. I’ll stray from what type of workout I do and switch that up, but when it comes to the actual workout, if I write down what I’m doing, then I’m not leaving the gym until I’ve completed all sets, exercises, and reps!!

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