5 Weeks Out

So I’m pretty sure that nobody reads this anymore 😀 Sorry for being such a slacker but I just haven’t had much time for blogging these days.


I’m literally in the gym all day long. As you know I work there, as well as work out there, so if I’m not working out, I’m usually working. My cardio is…well…a lot right now. I don’t want to get into too much detail because it isn’t something that I would ever have a client do. I’m borderline behind schedule and need to make sure I’m ready for the show. I am not taking on more than I can handle, workout wise, but it is definitely rigorous training. I am thankful that my body keeps up with me 🙂

My diet is very strict right now as well, but I’m feeling good. I truly like training hard and dieting hard (although I’m definitely looking forward to eating a bit more variety after the show ;-)). I feel extremely accomplished knowing that I’m putting in all the effort that I can.

Stress levels are high right now for other reasons. Lots of things going on in July, lots of things going on in my head, and lots of things that cost money and take a lot of time. I don’t have much of either to spare, so I’m trying to work it all out.

I’m hangin’ in there and only 5 weeks to go! Hoping my body does what it needs to do 🙂 I’ll post some pictures here sometime soon when I get a chance, too.


  1. Jenny says:

    i STILL READ!!!! 😉

  2. I still read! Can’t wait to see pics. I truly admire your dedication.

  3. betybliss says:

    I’m still reading. I love reading about all your hard work. It keeps me motivated 🙂

  4. you know i read it barbara. If i cant be sittin in the same room as u i need an update on your life.. as if we dont talk everyday anyway. LOL I KNOW u will be more than ready. Do WORK . JUSTIFY IN JULY!

  5. Debbie says:

    I’m still reading! I LOVE your story and the level of detail you include – I’ve always wanted to know whats involved with competing! THank you so much for sharing 🙂

  6. I check back almost everyday 😉 just for the inspiration.