
I am insanely tired today, so sorry if this makes no sense!

First thank you Betty for this award 

and Jenny for for this blogger award!!

Thank you ladies!! 🙂

Today has been a rest day and such a good one. I woke up this morning and went to yoga. Good session, it really cleared my head(well..kinda..) and then I headed to the grocery store for a few things.(I was the only person shopping at 7am lol)

After I ate, I laid in bed to take a nap and had some whack-ass dreams. I could not for the life of me, pry myself out of bed. I tried 4 different times but I just wanted to sleep foreverrrrrrrr! Finally at 10am, I had to get up and shower and eat before heading to work at my newest job(supplement store.) I was still exhausted the whole time I was there, but luckily I know about the supplements so he just showed me around the store. It is a really cool, laid back place. I dig.

What cracks me up is the things that people say when they come in to buy supplements. These are just a few things I heard today(the 3 hours I was there…)

– “Hey, what kind of pill do you have that will get me in like, really good shape?”

-“I wanna get cut, do you have anything for that?”

Food for thought: A pill isn’t going to do the work for you 😉


  1. Lele says:

    Those comments are ridic! I was listening to the radio and someone was talking about “Lose weight and get healthy without dieting or changing your lifestyle!”. And it’s like… um… if you want to lose weight, you probably NEED to change your lifestyle! There are too many people who think everything’s a quick fix!

  2. fitlizzio says:

    i know it’s crazy that people buy into that. if you want good and lasting results, you have to put in the effort and there are NO shortcuts.