Saturday and Thank you!

First of all I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of the wonderful comments about my new business venture! You all totally get it and support me and it makes me feel AWESOME. So far I have been having  a BLAST working with clients and their feedback has been awesome as well. I absolutely love this. So thanks again 🙂

I actually slept well last night and woke up feeling ready for a workout. I got in a pretty good workout, considering I know I can’t go balls to the walls yet.


-Wide Grip Lat Pull downs

-Cable rows (high and low)

-Straight Arm Pull downs

EZ Bar Curls

Dumbbell Curls

Seated Rows(just 1 set, my shoulder was bothering me with these for some reason today.)

Afterwards, I did 30 minutes of steady cardio on the elliptical. I didn’t want to push too hard.

I then boxed for about 5 minutes just to warm my wrists up a little bit. It’s been a week and a half since I’ve done any kind of boxing and I miss it. My wrist is pretty much healed, but hooks still don’t feel just right.

I finished up the workout with some abs. Weighted crunches, Russian Twists, and Lying Leg Raises.

All in all a good workout for the circumstances and it made me feel so good to finally work out!! This is the most time off I’ve taken in 2 1/2 years. Technically I only missed Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, but it felt like an eternity.


Last night I wasn’t feeling all that great, but needed to cook up some food for the rest of the weekend and next week. I had 2.5 pounds of ground turkey, so I just put my big girl pants on and decided to cook it. I made 4 oz burgers out of them using some spices and then played Iron Chef and cooked them up.

Since I am working an 8 hour shift today, I needed my foods. I brought:

-Salmon salad (Just no salt added canned salmon mixed with 1.5 tsp coconut oil)

-3 oz. turkey w/ asparagus

-40z turkey w/asparagus

-4oz turkey w/ 1/4 cup brown rice and 1TBSP Chia seeds

-1 scoop of protein powder + 1 scoop glutamine(post workout)

Supplements this morning were: 3BCAAs, 1 Green Tea Complex, and 2 Multi Vitamins with breakfast(which was 1 egg, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/4 cup oats, 1/4 cup wheat bran, 2 bananas, 1 tbsp almond butter) 


I’m feeling really good today. Work is going well and I love this job working at the gym. I get paid commission on top of my wage, and can sit on my laptop all day and work on homework, work, etc. It is AWESOME. Plus, I love the people here and the environment is such a great gym environment. Meat head equipment minus the meat heads. 🙂

Hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday. I am probably going to stay in again tonight to keep getting more rest and heal myself even more. I want to be back with a vengeance on Monday. Going to hike and workout before working again tomorrow afternoon.

One comment

  1. jeimayprovy says:

    Sounds like you’re having a great day! I’m glad you’re loving the gym job 🙂