
Although my competition diet doesn’t officially start until Jan. 1…you may have noticed that I have been trying to eat as clean as possibly as sort of a way to practice…the competition diet is not an easy one because you have only a small selection of foods that i can eat. I also have to eat several times a day which i am not used to either. If i’m going to screw it’s going to have to happen before jan. 1, so i have been “practicing” I have to say, I really like eating clean. It minimizes those cravings you get when you eat comfort food. You know when you eat a bowl of macaroni and cheese…and when you finish off that huge bowl that makes you pretty stuffed…you decide you need something sweet to top it off….When i eat clean foods like chicken, brown rice, vegetables, sweet potatoes, egg whites, oatmeal etc….I don’t get those cravings or those urges to eat that stuff. I feel satisfied and I am ready to move on with my day…so competition or not..i like this way of eating.

As a practice..usually i make my egg whites with about a 1/2 oz. of reduced fat mozzarella cheese, but for competition diet, the cheese is a NO-GO…so i decided to try it today without the cheese….still tastes great to me 🙂 I also had some oatmeal and 2 apples. I’m off to the gym now…..another part of my training will include an hour and a half of cardio everyday. That is going to be rough considering I usually only do about 45 minutes…but i can split it up if i need to, so that should make it easier.

Anyways…i need you guys to root me on through this approximately 12 weeks of competition diet and intense training. I will start showing you guys progress pictures and stuff, but the motivation reallllyyy helps.

My show is on March 28th…wish me luck!!


  1. Fit, Healthy Hips says:

    haha! Do you need groupies 🙂 I think everyone needs groupies.

  2. brown*eyed*mama says:

    Hello! I just came across your blog and added it to my bookmarks so I can cheer you on 🙂 I start my super-clean eating and training regime this week just to get my last 15 pounds of fat off and train for a 1/2 Marathon in April. So, while I am not competing in a contest, we have similar goals and I love reading about your day-to-day experiences! Best of luck! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

  3. Tamzin says:

    Geeez….you’re doing better then me and you’re not even doing the challenge yet!


    I’m quite enjoying reading back through you blog as well.
